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Dumux::CCMpfaFVGridGeometryTraits< GV, NI, PIV, SIV > Struct Template Reference

Traits class to be used for the CCMpfaFVGridGeometry. More...

#include <dumux/discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometrytraits.hh>

Inheritance diagram for Dumux::CCMpfaFVGridGeometryTraits< GV, NI, PIV, SIV >:


template<class GV, class NI, class PIV, class SIV>
struct Dumux::CCMpfaFVGridGeometryTraits< GV, NI, PIV, SIV >

Traits class to be used for the CCMpfaFVGridGeometry.

Template Parameters
GVthe grid view type
NIthe type used for node-local indexing
PIVthe primary interaction volume type
SIVthe secondary interaction volume type

Public Types

using SubControlVolume = CCSubControlVolume< GV >
using SubControlVolumeFace = CCMpfaSubControlVolumeFace< GV >
using NodalIndexSet = NI
template<class FVGridGeom >
using MpfaHelper = CCMpfaHelper< FVGridGeom >
 type definitions depending on the GridGeometry itself More...
template<class FVGridGeom >
using ConnectivityMap = CCMpfaConnectivityMap< FVGridGeom, PIV::MpfaMethod >
template<class FVGridGeom >
using GridIvIndexSets = CCMpfaGridInteractionVolumeIndexSets< FVGridGeom, NodalIndexSet, PIV, SIV >
template<class FVGridGeom , bool enableCache>
using LocalView = CCMpfaFVElementGeometry< FVGridGeom, enableCache >
using ElementMapper = Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper< GV >
using VertexMapper = Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper< GV >

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr int maxElementStencilSize

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ConnectivityMap

template<class GV , class NI , class PIV , class SIV >
template<class FVGridGeom >
using Dumux::CCMpfaFVGridGeometryTraits< GV, NI, PIV, SIV >::ConnectivityMap = CCMpfaConnectivityMap<FVGridGeom, PIV::MpfaMethod>

◆ ElementMapper

using Dumux::DefaultMapperTraits< GV , Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<GV > , Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<GV > >::ElementMapper = Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<GV >

◆ GridIvIndexSets

template<class GV , class NI , class PIV , class SIV >
template<class FVGridGeom >
using Dumux::CCMpfaFVGridGeometryTraits< GV, NI, PIV, SIV >::GridIvIndexSets = CCMpfaGridInteractionVolumeIndexSets< FVGridGeom, NodalIndexSet, PIV, SIV >

◆ LocalView

template<class GV , class NI , class PIV , class SIV >
template<class FVGridGeom , bool enableCache>
using Dumux::CCMpfaFVGridGeometryTraits< GV, NI, PIV, SIV >::LocalView = CCMpfaFVElementGeometry<FVGridGeom, enableCache>

◆ MpfaHelper

template<class GV , class NI , class PIV , class SIV >
template<class FVGridGeom >
using Dumux::CCMpfaFVGridGeometryTraits< GV, NI, PIV, SIV >::MpfaHelper = CCMpfaHelper< FVGridGeom >

type definitions depending on the GridGeometry itself

◆ NodalIndexSet

template<class GV , class NI , class PIV , class SIV >
using Dumux::CCMpfaFVGridGeometryTraits< GV, NI, PIV, SIV >::NodalIndexSet = NI

◆ SubControlVolume

template<class GV , class NI , class PIV , class SIV >
using Dumux::CCMpfaFVGridGeometryTraits< GV, NI, PIV, SIV >::SubControlVolume = CCSubControlVolume<GV>

◆ SubControlVolumeFace

template<class GV , class NI , class PIV , class SIV >
using Dumux::CCMpfaFVGridGeometryTraits< GV, NI, PIV, SIV >::SubControlVolumeFace = CCMpfaSubControlVolumeFace<GV>

◆ VertexMapper

using Dumux::DefaultMapperTraits< GV , Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<GV > , Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<GV > >::VertexMapper = Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<GV >

Member Data Documentation

◆ maxElementStencilSize

template<class GV , class NI , class PIV , class SIV >
constexpr int Dumux::CCMpfaFVGridGeometryTraits< GV, NI, PIV, SIV >::maxElementStencilSize
Initial value:
= int(GV::dimension) == 3 ? 150 :
(int(GV::dimension)<int(GV::dimensionworld) ? 45 : 20)

State the maximum admissible element stencil size Per default, we use high values that are hopefully enough for all cases We assume simplex grids where stencils can get quite large but the size is unknown

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