73template <
int formulation = SequentialTwoPCommonIndices::pwsn,
int PVOffset = 0>
81 static const int pwIdx = PVOffset + 0;
82 static const int snIdx = PVOffset + 1;
86 static const int pressureType =
106template <
int PVOffset>
115 static const int pnIdx = PVOffset + 0;
116 static const int swIdx = PVOffset + 1;
123 static const int velocityDefault =
141template <
int PVOffset>
150 static const int pwIdx = PVOffset + 0;
151 static const int swIdx = PVOffset + 1;
155 static const int pressureType =
158 static const int velocityDefault =
175template <
int PVOffset>
184 static const int pnIdx = PVOffset + 0;
185 static const int snIdx = PVOffset + 1;
192 static const int velocityDefault =
210template <
int PVOffset>
218 static const int pGlobalIdx = PVOffset + 0;
219 static const int swIdx = PVOffset + 1;
241template <
int PVOffset>
250 static const int pGlobalIdx = PVOffset + 0;
251 static const int snIdx = PVOffset + 1;
The common indices for the isothermal two-phase model.
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:33
static const int pwsn
pw and sn as primary variables
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:35
static const int pGlobalSw
pGlobal and sw as primary variables
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:40
static const int pressureGlobal
Indicates global-pressure.
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:57
static const int saturationNw
Indicates nonwetting phase saturation.
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:51
static const int pressureNw
Indicates nonwetting phase pressure.
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:56
static const int pnsw
pn and sw as primary variables
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:36
static const int velocityN
Indicates nonwetting phase velocity.
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:61
static const int velocityNw
Indicates nonwetting phase velocity.
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:62
static const int nPhaseIdx
index of the nonwetting phase in a phase vector
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:45
static const int pressureW
Indicates wetting phase pressure.
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:54
static const int velocityTotal
Indicates total velocity.
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:63
static const int totalPhaseIdx
index of the total phase (wetting + nonwetting)
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:46
static const int pGlobalSn
pGlobal and sn as primary variables
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:41
static const int pwsw
pw and sw as primary variables
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:37
static const int saturationW
Indicates wetting phase saturation.
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:49
static const int velocityW
Indicates wetting phase velocity.
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:60
static const int wPhaseIdx
index of the wetting phase in a phase vector
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:44
static const int saturationN
Indicates nonwetting phase saturation.
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:50
static const int pnsn
pn and sn as primary variables
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:38
static const int pressureN
Indicates nonwetting phase pressure.
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:55
The indices for the formulation of the isothermal two-phase model.
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:75
static const int contiNEqIdx
index of the continuity equation of the nonwetting phase
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:95
static const int contiWEqIdx
index of the continuity equation of the wetting phase
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:93
static const int saturationIdx
index for the primary saturation variable in a solution vector
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:78
static const int transportEqIdx
index of the saturation transport equation
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:97
static const int satEqIdx
index of the continuity equation of the nonwetting phase (saturation equation)
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:96
static const int pressureEqIdx
index of the pressure equation (total mass balance)
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:94
static const int pwIdx
index of the wetting phase pressure
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:81
static const int snIdx
index of the nonwetting phase saturation
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:82
static const int pressureIdx
index for the primary pressure variable in a solution vector
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh:77