DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
impes Directory Reference


file  gridadaptionindicator.hh [code]
 Class defining a standard, saturation dependent indicator for grid adaption.
file  gridadaptionindicatorlocal.hh [code]
 Class defining a standard, saturation dependent indicator for grid adaption.
file  porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/impes/problem.hh [code]
 Base class for all 2-phase problems which use an IMPES algorithm.
file  porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/impes/properties.hh [code]
 Properties related to the sequential IMPES algorithms.
file  propertiesadaptive.hh [code]
 Properties for adaptive implementations of the sequential IMPES algorithms.