DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
MultiDomain tests

Various tests for multidomain problems. More...


Various tests for multidomain problems.


 MultiDomain boundary tests
 Various tests using a boundary as coupling interface: Darcy-Stokes coupling or PNM (pore network model)-Darcy. The files are listed below.
 Embedded MultiDomain tests
 Various tests for embedded coupling problems with different dimensions: Root-soil interaction or embedded fracture models. The files are listed below.
 Facet MultiDomain tests
 Various tests for facet coupling problems with different dimensions: Discrete facet conforming fracture models and problems with physics on a domain surface. The files are listed below.
 Facet MultiDomain tests
 Various tests coupling poromechanics and fluid flow. The files are listed below.