DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
Material system tests

Benchmarks and Test(s) for the material system. More...


Benchmarks and Test(s) for the material system.


file  test_binarycoefficients.cc
 This test makes sure that the programming interface is observed by all binary coefficients.
file  plotproperties.cc
 Plot properties of components and fluids.
file  test_componenttraits.cc
 Test the component traits.
file  test_compositionalflash.cc
 This is a program to test the flash calculation routines for compositional sequential models.
file  test_thermalconductivityjohansen.cc
 Test for the Johansen thermal conductivity law.
file  test_thermalconductivitysomerton.cc
 Test for the Somerton thermal conductivity law.
file  test_effectivediffusivityconstanttortuosity.cc
 Test for the Millington and Quirk effective diffusivity model.
file  test_effectivediffusivitymillingtonquirk.cc
 Test for the Millington and Quirk effective diffusivity model.
file  checkfluidsystem.hh
 This file provides the actual code for the fluid systems test.
file  test_fluidsystems.cc
 This test makes sure that the programming interface is observed by all fluid systems.
file  test_immiscibleflash.cc
 This is a program to test the flash calculation which uses non-linear complementarity problems (NCP).
file  test_ncpflash.cc
 This is a program to test the flash calculation which uses non-linear complementarity problems (NCP).
file  test_pengrobinson.cc
 This is test for the SPE5 fluid system (which uses the Peng-Robinson EOS) and the NCP flash solver.
file  checksolidsystem.hh
 This file provides the actual code for the solid systems test.
file  test_solidsystems.cc
 This test makes sure that the programming interface is observed by all solid systems.
file  test_tabulation.cc
 This is a program to test the tabulation class for of individual components.