DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
Files | Classes
Single-phase Navier-Stokes nc tests

Various tests using a single-phase Navier-Stokes flow with n components. The files are listed below. More...


Various tests using a single-phase Navier-Stokes flow with n components. The files are listed below.


file  freeflow/navierstokesnc/channel/main.cc
 Test for the staggered grid multi-component (Navier-)Stokes model.
file  test/freeflow/navierstokesnc/channel/problem.hh
 Channel flow test for the multi-component staggered grid (Navier-)Stokes model.
file  freeflow/navierstokesnc/densitydrivenflow/main.cc
 Test for the staggered grid multi-component (Navier-)Stokes model.
file  test/freeflow/navierstokesnc/densitydrivenflow/problem.hh
 Test for the compositional staggered grid (Navier-)Stokes model.
file  freeflow/navierstokesnc/maxwellstefan/main.cc
 Test for the staggered grid multi-component (Navier-)Stokes model.
file  test/freeflow/navierstokesnc/maxwellstefan/problem.hh
 Channel flow test for the multi-component staggered grid (Navier-)Stokes model.


class  Dumux::ChannelNCTestProblem< TypeTag >
 Test problem for the one-phase (Navier-)Stokes model. More...
class  Dumux::DensityDrivenFlowProblem< TypeTag >
 Test problem for the one-phase model. More...
class  Dumux::Properties::MaxwellStefanFluidSystem< TypeTag >
 A simple fluid system with three components for testing the multi-component diffusion with the Maxwell-Stefan formulation. More...
class  Dumux::MaxwellStefanNCTestProblem< TypeTag >
 Test problem for the Maxwell-Stefan model. More...