DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
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Richards benchmarks and tests

Various tests using a RichardsModel. The files are listed below. More...


Various tests using a RichardsModel. The files are listed below.


file  porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/analytical/main.cc
 Test for the Richards CC model.
file  test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/analytical/problem.hh
 A one-dimensional infiltration problem with a smooth, given solution.
file  porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/analytical/spatialparams.hh
 Spatial parameters for the RichardsAnalyticalProblem.
file  porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/lens/main.cc
 Test for the Richards box model.
file  test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/lens/problem.hh
 A water infiltration problem with a low-permeability lens embedded into a high-permeability domain which uses the Richards box model.
file  porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/lens/spatialparams.hh
 Spatial parameters for the RichardsLensProblem.
file  porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/nonisothermal/conduction/main.cc
 Test for the Richards box model.
file  test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/nonisothermal/conduction/problem.hh
 Test for the RichardsModel in combination with the NI model for a conduction problem: The simulation domain is a tube with an elevated temperature on the left hand side.
file  porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/nonisothermal/convection/main.cc
 Test for the Richards box model.
file  test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/nonisothermal/convection/problem.hh
 Test for the RichardsModel in combination with the NI model for a convection problem: The simulation domain is a tube where water with an elevated temperature is injected at a constant rate on the left hand side.
file  porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/nonisothermal/evaporation/main.cc
 Test for the Richards box model.
file  test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/nonisothermal/evaporation/problem.hh
 Test for the extended richards problem: The simulation domain is a tube a constant evaporation rate is set at the top and the soil gradually dries out.
file  porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/nonisothermal/spatialparams.hh
 Definition of the spatial parameters for the non-isothermal Richards problems.


class  Dumux::RichardsAnalyticalProblem< TypeTag >
 A one-dimensional infiltration problem with a smooth, given solution. More...
class  Dumux::RichardsLensProblem< TypeTag >
 A water infiltration problem with a low-permeability lens embedded into a high-permeability domain which uses the Richards model. More...
class  Dumux::RichardsLensSpatialParams< GridGeometry, Scalar >
 The spatial parameters for the RichardsLensProblem. More...
class  Dumux::RichardsNIConductionProblem< TypeTag >
 Test for the RichardsModel in combination with the NI model for a conduction problem: The simulation domain is a tube with an elevated temperature on the left hand side. More...
class  Dumux::RichardsNIConvectionProblem< TypeTag >
 Test for the RichardsModel in combination with the NI model for a convection problem: The simulation domain is a tube where water with an elevated temperature is injected at a constant rate on the left hand side. More...
class  Dumux::RichardsNIEvaporationProblem< TypeTag >
 Test for the RichardsModel in combination with the NI model for evaporation. More...