DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
Files | Classes
1pncmin (one phase, multi-component mineralization) benchmarks and tests

Various tests using the OnePNCMinModel. The files are listed below. More...


Various tests using the OnePNCMinModel. The files are listed below.


file  porousmediumflow/1pncmin/implicit/nonisothermal/main.cc
 Test for the 1pncminni model.
file  modifiedcao.hh
 Corrected material properties of pure Calcium-Oxide \(CaO\) without considering a porosity change in the reaction of Calciumoxyde and Calciumhydroxyde.
file  test/porousmediumflow/1pncmin/implicit/nonisothermal/problem.hh
 Definition of a problem for thermochemical heat storage using \( \textnormal{CaO}, \textnormal{Ca} \left( \textnormal{OH} \right)_2\).
file  reaction.hh
 Class for the evaluation of the reaction rate of Calciumoxide to Halciumhydroxide.
file  porousmediumflow/1pncmin/implicit/nonisothermal/spatialparams.hh
 Definition of the spatial parameters for the thermochemistry problem which uses the non-insothermal 1pncmin model.


class  Dumux::Components::ModifiedCaO< Scalar >
 A class for the ModifiedCaO properties. More...
class  Dumux::ThermoChemProblem< TypeTag >
 Test for the 1pncmin model in combination with the NI model for a quasi batch reaction of Calciumoxyde to Calciumhydroxide. More...
class  Dumux::ThermoChemReaction
 Class for the evaluation of the reaction rate of Calciumoxide to Halciumhydroxide. More...
class  Dumux::ThermoChemSpatialParams< GridGeometry, Scalar >
 Definition of the spatial parameters for the thermochemistry problem which uses the non-insothermal 1pncmin model. More...