class TypeTag>
37class GridAdaptInitializationIndicatorDefault;
class TypeTag,
#define GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PropTagName)
Definition: propertysystemmacros.hh:282
#define NEW_TYPE_TAG(...)
Definition: propertysystemmacros.hh:130
The infrastructure to retrieve run-time parameters from Dune::ParameterTrees.
#define NEW_PROP_TAG(PTagName)
Define a property tag.
Definition: propertysystemmacros.hh:159
make the local view function available whenever we use the grid geometry
Definition: adapt.hh:29
Property tag GridAdaptRefineThreshold
Tolerance for refinement.
Definition: gridadaptproperties.hh:61
SET_SCALAR_PROP(GridAdapt, GridAdaptRefineThreshold, 0.0)
Property tag GridAdaptCoarsenThreshold
Tolerance for coarsening.
Definition: gridadaptproperties.hh:64
Property tag AdaptionIndicator
Class defining the refinement/coarsening indicator.
Definition: gridadaptproperties.hh:55
Property tag GridAdaptModel
The type of grid adaptation.
Definition: gridadaptproperties.hh:52
SET_TYPE_PROP(FVPressureOneP, Velocity, FVVelocity1P< TypeTag >)
Set velocity reconstruction implementation standard cell centered finite volume schemes as default.
Type tag GridAdapt
Grid adaption type tag for all sequential models.
Definition: gridadaptproperties.hh:46
Property tag AdaptionInitializationIndicator
Class defining the refinement/coarsening indicator for grid initialization.
Definition: gridadaptproperties.hh:58
Property tag AdaptiveGrid
Defines if the grid is h-adaptive.
Definition: gridadaptproperties.hh:49
SET_BOOL_PROP(FVPressureOneP, VisitFacesOnlyOnce, true)
Allow assembling algorithm for the pressure matrix to assemble only from one side of a cell-cell inte...
Standard Module for h-adaptive simulations.
Definition: gridadapt.hh:47
Class defining a start indicator for grid adaption.
Definition: gridadaptinitializationindicatordefault.hh:42
Declares all properties used in Dumux.