DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
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4 * See the file COPYING for full copying permissions. *
5 * *
6 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
8 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
9 * (at your option) any later version. *
10 * *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
14 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
15 * *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
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18 *****************************************************************************/
28#include <dune/common/reservedvector.hh>
29#include <dune/grid/common/gridenums.hh> // for GhostEntity
30#include <dune/istl/matrixindexset.hh>
44namespace Dumux {
55template<class TypeTag, class Assembler, class Implementation, bool implicit>
56class CCLocalAssemblerBase : public FVLocalAssemblerBase<TypeTag, Assembler, Implementation, implicit>
63 using ElementVolumeVariables = typename GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridVolumeVariables>::LocalView;
66 static_assert(!Assembler::Problem::enableInternalDirichletConstraints(), "Internal Dirichlet constraints are currently not implemented for cc-methods!");
70 using ParentType::ParentType;
76 template <class PartialReassembler = DefaultPartialReassembler>
77 void assembleJacobianAndResidual(JacobianMatrix& jac, SolutionVector& res, GridVariables& gridVariables,
78 const PartialReassembler* partialReassembler)
79 {
80 this->asImp_().bindLocalViews();
81 const auto globalI = this->assembler().gridGeometry().elementMapper().index(this->element());
82 if (partialReassembler
83 && partialReassembler->elementColor(globalI) == EntityColor::green)
84 {
85 res[globalI] = this->asImp_().evalLocalResidual()[0]; // forward to the internal implementation
86 }
87 else
88 {
89 res[globalI] = this->asImp_().assembleJacobianAndResidualImpl(jac, gridVariables); // forward to the internal implementation
90 }
91 }
97 void assembleJacobian(JacobianMatrix& jac, GridVariables& gridVariables)
98 {
99 this->asImp_().bindLocalViews();
100 this->asImp_().assembleJacobianAndResidualImpl(jac, gridVariables); // forward to the internal implementation
101 }
106 void assembleResidual(SolutionVector& res)
107 {
108 this->asImp_().bindLocalViews();
109 const auto globalI = this->assembler().gridGeometry().elementMapper().index(this->element());
110 res[globalI] = this->asImp_().evalLocalResidual()[0]; // forward to the internal implementation
111 }
122template<class TypeTag, class Assembler, DiffMethod diffMethod = DiffMethod::numeric, bool implicit = true>
130template<class TypeTag, class Assembler>
131class CCLocalAssembler<TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric, /*implicit=*/true>
132: public CCLocalAssemblerBase<TypeTag, Assembler,
133 CCLocalAssembler<TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric, true>, true >
139 using Element = typename GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridView>::template Codim<0>::Entity;
141 using FVElementGeometry = typename GridGeometry::LocalView;
149 static constexpr int maxElementStencilSize = GridGeometry::maxElementStencilSize;
150 static constexpr bool enableGridFluxVarsCache = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableGridFluxVariablesCache>();
162 NumEqVector assembleJacobianAndResidualImpl(JacobianMatrix& A, GridVariables& gridVariables)
163 {
165 // Calculate derivatives of all dofs in stencil with respect to the dofs in the element. In the //
166 // neighboring elements we do so by computing the derivatives of the fluxes which depend on the //
167 // actual element. In the actual element we evaluate the derivative of the entire residual. //
170 // get some aliases for convenience
171 const auto& element = this->element();
172 const auto& fvGeometry = this->fvGeometry();
173 const auto& gridGeometry = this->assembler().gridGeometry();
174 auto&& curElemVolVars = this->curElemVolVars();
175 auto&& elemFluxVarsCache = this->elemFluxVarsCache();
177 // get stencil informations
178 const auto globalI = gridGeometry.elementMapper().index(element);
179 const auto& connectivityMap = gridGeometry.connectivityMap();
180 const auto numNeighbors = connectivityMap[globalI].size();
182 // container to store the neighboring elements
183 Dune::ReservedVector<Element, maxElementStencilSize> neighborElements;
184 neighborElements.resize(numNeighbors);
186 // assemble the undeflected residual
188 Residuals origResiduals(numNeighbors + 1); origResiduals = 0.0;
189 origResiduals[0] = this->evalLocalResidual()[0];
191 // lambda for convenient evaluation of the fluxes across scvfs in the neighbors
192 // if the neighbor is a ghost we don't want to add anything to their residual
193 // so we return 0 and omit computing the flux
194 auto evalNeighborFlux = [&] (const auto& neighbor, const auto& scvf)
195 {
196 if (neighbor.partitionType() == Dune::GhostEntity)
197 return NumEqVector(0.0);
198 else
199 return this->localResidual().evalFlux(this->problem(),
200 neighbor,
201 this->fvGeometry(),
202 this->curElemVolVars(),
203 this->elemFluxVarsCache(), scvf);
204 };
206 // get the elements in which we need to evaluate the fluxes
207 // and calculate these in the undeflected state
208 unsigned int j = 1;
209 for (const auto& dataJ : connectivityMap[globalI])
210 {
211 neighborElements[j-1] = gridGeometry.element(dataJ.globalJ);
212 for (const auto scvfIdx : dataJ.scvfsJ)
213 origResiduals[j] += evalNeighborFlux(neighborElements[j-1], fvGeometry.scvf(scvfIdx));
215 ++j;
216 }
218 // reference to the element's scv (needed later) and corresponding vol vars
219 const auto& scv = fvGeometry.scv(globalI);
220 auto& curVolVars = ParentType::getVolVarAccess(gridVariables.curGridVolVars(), curElemVolVars, scv);
222 // save a copy of the original privars and vol vars in order
223 // to restore the original solution after deflection
224 const auto& curSol = this->curSol();
225 const auto origPriVars = curSol[globalI];
226 const auto origVolVars = curVolVars;
228 // element solution container to be deflected
229 auto elemSol = elementSolution(element, curSol, gridGeometry);
231 // derivatives in the neighbors with repect to the current elements
232 // in index 0 we save the derivative of the element residual with respect to it's own dofs
233 Residuals partialDerivs(numNeighbors + 1);
235 for (int pvIdx = 0; pvIdx < numEq; ++pvIdx)
236 {
237 partialDerivs = 0.0;
239 auto evalResiduals = [&](Scalar priVar)
240 {
241 Residuals partialDerivsTmp(numNeighbors + 1);
242 partialDerivsTmp = 0.0;
243 // update the volume variables and the flux var cache
244 elemSol[0][pvIdx] = priVar;
245 curVolVars.update(elemSol, this->problem(), element, scv);
246 elemFluxVarsCache.update(element, fvGeometry, curElemVolVars);
247 if (enableGridFluxVarsCache)
248 gridVariables.gridFluxVarsCache().updateElement(element, fvGeometry, curElemVolVars);
250 // calculate the residual with the deflected primary variables
251 partialDerivsTmp[0] = this->evalLocalResidual()[0];
253 // calculate the fluxes in the neighbors with the deflected primary variables
254 for (std::size_t k = 0; k < numNeighbors; ++k)
255 for (auto scvfIdx : connectivityMap[globalI][k].scvfsJ)
256 partialDerivsTmp[k+1] += evalNeighborFlux(neighborElements[k], fvGeometry.scvf(scvfIdx));
258 return partialDerivsTmp;
259 };
261 // derive the residuals numerically
262 static const NumericEpsilon<Scalar, numEq> eps_{this->problem().paramGroup()};
263 static const int numDiffMethod = getParamFromGroup<int>(this->problem().paramGroup(), "Assembly.NumericDifferenceMethod");
264 NumericDifferentiation::partialDerivative(evalResiduals, elemSol[0][pvIdx], partialDerivs, origResiduals,
265 eps_(elemSol[0][pvIdx], pvIdx), numDiffMethod);
267 // Correct derivative for ghost elements, i.e. set a 1 for the derivative w.r.t. the
268 // current primary variable and a 0 elsewhere. As we always solve for a delta of the
269 // solution with repect to the initial one, this results in a delta of 0 for ghosts.
270 if (this->elementIsGhost())
271 {
272 partialDerivs[0] = 0.0;
273 partialDerivs[0][pvIdx] = 1.0;
274 }
276 // add the current partial derivatives to the global jacobian matrix
277 // no special treatment is needed if globalJ is a ghost because then derivatives have been assembled to 0 above
278 for (int eqIdx = 0; eqIdx < numEq; eqIdx++)
279 {
280 // the diagonal entries
281 A[globalI][globalI][eqIdx][pvIdx] += partialDerivs[0][eqIdx];
283 // off-diagonal entries
284 j = 1;
285 for (const auto& dataJ : connectivityMap[globalI])
286 A[dataJ.globalJ][globalI][eqIdx][pvIdx] += partialDerivs[j++][eqIdx];
287 }
289 // restore the original state of the scv's volume variables
290 curVolVars = origVolVars;
292 // restore the current element solution
293 elemSol[0][pvIdx] = origPriVars[pvIdx];
294 }
296 // restore original state of the flux vars cache in case of global caching.
297 // This has to be done in order to guarantee that everything is in an undeflected
298 // state before the assembly of another element is called. In the case of local caching
299 // this is obsolete because the elemFluxVarsCache used here goes out of scope after this.
300 // We only have to do this for the last primary variable, for all others the flux var cache
301 // is updated with the correct element volume variables before residual evaluations
302 if (enableGridFluxVarsCache)
303 gridVariables.gridFluxVarsCache().updateElement(element, fvGeometry, curElemVolVars);
305 // return the original residual
306 return origResiduals[0];
307 }
316template<class TypeTag, class Assembler>
317class CCLocalAssembler<TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric, /*implicit=*/false>
318: public CCLocalAssemblerBase<TypeTag, Assembler,
319 CCLocalAssembler<TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric, false>, false>
325 using Element = typename GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridView>::template Codim<0>::Entity;
340 NumEqVector assembleJacobianAndResidualImpl(JacobianMatrix& A, GridVariables& gridVariables)
341 {
342 if (this->assembler().isStationaryProblem())
343 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Using explicit jacobian assembler with stationary local residual");
345 // assemble the undeflected residual
346 const auto residual = this->evalLocalResidual()[0];
347 const auto storageResidual = this->evalLocalStorageResidual()[0];
350 // Calculate derivatives of all dofs in stencil with respect to the dofs in the element. In the //
351 // neighboring elements all derivatives are zero. For the assembled element only the storage //
352 // derivatives are non-zero. //
355 // get some aliases for convenience
356 const auto& element = this->element();
357 const auto& fvGeometry = this->fvGeometry();
358 const auto& gridGeometry = this->assembler().gridGeometry();
359 auto&& curElemVolVars = this->curElemVolVars();
361 // reference to the element's scv (needed later) and corresponding vol vars
362 const auto globalI = gridGeometry.elementMapper().index(element);
363 const auto& scv = fvGeometry.scv(globalI);
364 auto& curVolVars = ParentType::getVolVarAccess(gridVariables.curGridVolVars(), curElemVolVars, scv);
366 // save a copy of the original privars and vol vars in order
367 // to restore the original solution after deflection
368 const auto& curSol = this->curSol();
369 const auto origPriVars = curSol[globalI];
370 const auto origVolVars = curVolVars;
372 // element solution container to be deflected
373 auto elemSol = elementSolution(element, curSol, gridGeometry);
375 NumEqVector partialDeriv;
377 // derivatives in the neighbors with repect to the current elements
378 for (int pvIdx = 0; pvIdx < numEq; ++pvIdx)
379 {
380 // reset derivatives of element dof with respect to itself
381 partialDeriv = 0.0;
383 auto evalStorage = [&](Scalar priVar)
384 {
385 // update the volume variables and calculate
386 // the residual with the deflected primary variables
387 elemSol[0][pvIdx] = priVar;
388 curVolVars.update(elemSol, this->problem(), element, scv);
389 return this->evalLocalStorageResidual()[0];
390 };
392 // for non-ghosts compute the derivative numerically
393 if (!this->elementIsGhost())
394 {
395 static const NumericEpsilon<Scalar, numEq> eps_{this->problem().paramGroup()};
396 static const int numDiffMethod = getParamFromGroup<int>(this->problem().paramGroup(), "Assembly.NumericDifferenceMethod");
397 NumericDifferentiation::partialDerivative(evalStorage, elemSol[0][pvIdx], partialDeriv, storageResidual,
398 eps_(elemSol[0][pvIdx], pvIdx), numDiffMethod);
399 }
401 // for ghost elements we assemble a 1.0 where the primary variable and zero everywhere else
402 // as we always solve for a delta of the solution with repect to the initial solution this
403 // results in a delta of zero for ghosts
404 else partialDeriv[pvIdx] = 1.0;
406 // add the current partial derivatives to the global jacobian matrix
407 // only diagonal entries for explicit jacobians
408 for (int eqIdx = 0; eqIdx < numEq; eqIdx++)
409 A[globalI][globalI][eqIdx][pvIdx] += partialDeriv[eqIdx];
411 // restore the original state of the scv's volume variables
412 curVolVars = origVolVars;
414 // restore the current element solution
415 elemSol[0][pvIdx] = origPriVars[pvIdx];
416 }
418 // return the original residual
419 return residual;
420 }
428template<class TypeTag, class Assembler>
429class CCLocalAssembler<TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::analytic, /*implicit=*/true>
430: public CCLocalAssemblerBase<TypeTag, Assembler,
431 CCLocalAssembler<TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::analytic, true>, true>
450 NumEqVector assembleJacobianAndResidualImpl(JacobianMatrix& A, const GridVariables& gridVariables)
451 {
452 // treat ghost separately, we always want zero update for ghosts
453 if (this->elementIsGhost())
454 {
455 const auto globalI = this->assembler().gridGeometry().elementMapper().index(this->element());
456 for (int pvIdx = 0; pvIdx < numEq; ++pvIdx)
457 A[globalI][globalI][pvIdx][pvIdx] = 1.0;
459 // return zero residual
460 return NumEqVector(0.0);
461 }
463 // assemble the undeflected residual
464 const auto residual = this->evalLocalResidual()[0];
466 // get some aliases for convenience
467 const auto& problem = this->problem();
468 const auto& element = this->element();
469 const auto& fvGeometry = this->fvGeometry();
470 const auto& curElemVolVars = this->curElemVolVars();
471 const auto& elemFluxVarsCache = this->elemFluxVarsCache();
473 // get reference to the element's current vol vars
474 const auto globalI = this->assembler().gridGeometry().elementMapper().index(element);
475 const auto& scv = fvGeometry.scv(globalI);
476 const auto& volVars = curElemVolVars[scv];
478 // if the problem is instationary, add derivative of storage term
479 if (!this->assembler().isStationaryProblem())
480 this->localResidual().addStorageDerivatives(A[globalI][globalI], problem, element, fvGeometry, volVars, scv);
482 // add source term derivatives
483 this->localResidual().addSourceDerivatives(A[globalI][globalI], problem, element, fvGeometry, volVars, scv);
485 // add flux derivatives for each scvf
486 for (const auto& scvf : scvfs(fvGeometry))
487 {
488 // inner faces
489 if (!scvf.boundary())
490 this->localResidual().addFluxDerivatives(A[globalI], problem, element, fvGeometry, curElemVolVars, elemFluxVarsCache, scvf);
492 // boundary faces
493 else
494 {
495 const auto& bcTypes = problem.boundaryTypes(element, scvf);
497 // add Dirichlet boundary flux derivatives
498 if (bcTypes.hasDirichlet() && !bcTypes.hasNeumann())
499 this->localResidual().addCCDirichletFluxDerivatives(A[globalI], problem, element, fvGeometry, curElemVolVars, elemFluxVarsCache, scvf);
501 // add Robin ("solution dependent Neumann") boundary flux derivatives
502 else if (bcTypes.hasNeumann() && !bcTypes.hasDirichlet())
503 this->localResidual().addRobinFluxDerivatives(A[globalI], problem, element, fvGeometry, curElemVolVars, elemFluxVarsCache, scvf);
505 else
506 DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Mixed boundary conditions. Use pure boundary conditions by converting Dirichlet BCs to Robin BCs");
507 }
508 }
510 // return element residual
511 return residual;
512 }
520template<class TypeTag, class Assembler>
521class CCLocalAssembler<TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::analytic, /*implicit=*/false>
522: public CCLocalAssemblerBase<TypeTag, Assembler,
523 CCLocalAssembler<TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::analytic, false>, false>
542 NumEqVector assembleJacobianAndResidualImpl(JacobianMatrix& A, const GridVariables& gridVariables)
543 {
544 // treat ghost separately, we always want zero update for ghosts
545 if (this->elementIsGhost())
546 {
547 const auto globalI = this->assembler().gridGeometry().elementMapper().index(this->element());
548 for (int pvIdx = 0; pvIdx < numEq; ++pvIdx)
549 A[globalI][globalI][pvIdx][pvIdx] = 1.0;
551 // return zero residual
552 return NumEqVector(0.0);
553 }
555 // assemble the undeflected residual
556 const auto residual = this->evalLocalResidual()[0];
558 // get reference to the element's current vol vars
559 const auto globalI = this->assembler().gridGeometry().elementMapper().index(this->element());
560 const auto& scv = this->fvGeometry().scv(globalI);
561 const auto& volVars = this->curElemVolVars()[scv];
563 // add hand-code derivative of storage term
564 this->localResidual().addStorageDerivatives(A[globalI][globalI], this->problem(), this->element(), this->fvGeometry(), volVars, scv);
566 // return the original residual
567 return residual;
568 }
571} // end namespace Dumux
An enum class to define various differentiation methods available in order to compute the derivatives...
An enum class to define the colors of elements and vertices required for partial Jacobian reassembly.
An adapter class for local assemblers using numeric differentiation.
Detects which entries in the Jacobian have to be recomputed.
A class for numeric differentiation.
The infrastructure to retrieve run-time parameters from Dune::ParameterTrees.
A arithmetic block vector type based on DUNE's reserved vector.
The flux stencil specialized for different discretization schemes.
auto elementSolution(const Element &element, const SolutionVector &sol, const GridGeometry &gg) -> std::enable_if_t< GridGeometry::discMethod==DiscretizationMethod::box, BoxElementSolution< typename GridGeometry::LocalView, std::decay_t< decltype(std::declval< SolutionVector >()[0])> > >
Make an element solution for box schemes.
Definition: box/elementsolution.hh:115
Differentiation methods in order to compute the derivatives of the residual i.e. the entries in the j...
Definition: diffmethod.hh:37
@ green
does not need to be reassembled
make the local view function available whenever we use the grid geometry
Definition: adapt.hh:29
typename Properties::Detail::GetPropImpl< TypeTag, Property >::type::type GetPropType
get the type alias defined in the property (equivalent to old macro GET_PROP_TYPE(....
Definition: propertysystem.hh:149
A base class for all local cell-centered assemblers.
Definition: cclocalassembler.hh:57
void assembleResidual(SolutionVector &res)
Assemble the residual only.
Definition: cclocalassembler.hh:106
void assembleJacobian(JacobianMatrix &jac, GridVariables &gridVariables)
Computes the derivatives with respect to the given element and adds them to the global matrix.
Definition: cclocalassembler.hh:97
void assembleJacobianAndResidual(JacobianMatrix &jac, SolutionVector &res, GridVariables &gridVariables, const PartialReassembler *partialReassembler)
Computes the derivatives with respect to the given element and adds them to the global matrix....
Definition: cclocalassembler.hh:77
An assembler for Jacobian and residual contribution per element (cell-centered methods)
Definition: cclocalassembler.hh:123
Cell-centered scheme local assembler using numeric differentiation and implicit time discretization.
Definition: cclocalassembler.hh:134
NumEqVector assembleJacobianAndResidualImpl(JacobianMatrix &A, GridVariables &gridVariables)
Computes the derivatives with respect to the given element and adds them to the global matrix.
Definition: cclocalassembler.hh:162
Cell-centered scheme local assembler using numeric differentiation and explicit time discretization.
Definition: cclocalassembler.hh:320
NumEqVector assembleJacobianAndResidualImpl(JacobianMatrix &A, GridVariables &gridVariables)
Computes the derivatives with respect to the given element and adds them to the global matrix.
Definition: cclocalassembler.hh:340
Cell-centered scheme local assembler using analytic (hand-coded) differentiation and implicit time di...
Definition: cclocalassembler.hh:432
NumEqVector assembleJacobianAndResidualImpl(JacobianMatrix &A, const GridVariables &gridVariables)
Computes the derivatives with respect to the given element and adds them to the global matrix.
Definition: cclocalassembler.hh:450
Cell-centered scheme local assembler using analytic (hand-coded) differentiation and explicit time di...
Definition: cclocalassembler.hh:524
NumEqVector assembleJacobianAndResidualImpl(JacobianMatrix &A, const GridVariables &gridVariables)
Computes the derivatives with respect to the given element and adds them to the global matrix.
Definition: cclocalassembler.hh:542
A base class for all local assemblers.
Definition: fvlocalassemblerbase.hh:48
Implementation & asImp_()
Definition: fvlocalassemblerbase.hh:307
const Assembler & assembler() const
The assembler.
Definition: fvlocalassemblerbase.hh:243
const Element & element() const
The current element.
Definition: fvlocalassemblerbase.hh:247
A helper class for local assemblers using numeric differentiation to determine the epsilon.
Definition: numericepsilon.hh:41
detects which entries in the Jacobian have to be recomputed
Definition: partialreassembler.hh:424
EntityColor elementColor(size_t idx) const
Definition: partialreassembler.hh:496
static void partialDerivative(const Function &function, Scalar x0, FunctionEvalType &derivative, const FunctionEvalType &fx0, const int numericDifferenceMethod=1)
Computes the derivative of a function with repect to a function parameter.
Definition: numericdifferentiation.hh:61
A arithmetic block vector type based on DUNE's reserved vector.
Definition: reservedblockvector.hh:38
The flux stencil specialized for different discretization schemes.
Definition: fluxstencil.hh:45
Declares all properties used in Dumux.
The local element solution class for cell-centered methods.