version 3.9

Model that adds nonequilibrium equations to another porous medium flow model (only used in MPNCModel currently) More...


This specifies models which are able to capture non-equilibrium mass and / or energy transfer.


 Model that adapts the energy localresidual to thermal nonequilibrium.


file  porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/gridvariables.hh
 Class storing scv and scvf variables.
file  porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/indices.hh
 The primary variable and equation indices for the MpNc model.
file  porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/iofields.hh
 Adds I/O fields specific to non-equilibrium models.
file  porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/localresidual.hh
 The local residual for the kinetic mass transfer module of the compositional multi-phase model.
file  porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/model.hh
 This specifies models which are able to capture non-equilibrium mass and / or energy transfer.
file  porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/newtonsolver.hh
 A MpNc specific newton solver.
file  porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/volumevariables.hh
 This class contains the volume variables required for the modules which require the specific interfacial area between fluid phases.


struct  Dumux::MPNCNonequilibriumModelTraits< NonEquilTraits >
 Specifies a number properties of the m-phase n-component model in conjunction with non-equilibrium. This is necessary because the mpnc indices are affected by the non-equilibrium which can thus not be plugged on top of it that easily. More...
class  Dumux::NonEquilibriumGridVariables< TypeTag >
 This class stores the velocities which are used to compute Reynolds numbers for the source terms of non-equilibrium models. More...
class  Dumux::NonEquilbriumIndices< EquilibriumIndices, numEnergyEqFluid, numEnergyEqSolid, numEq >
 The primary variable and equation indices for the MpNc model. More...
class  Dumux::NonEquilibriumIOFieldsImplementation< ModelTraits, EquilibriumIOFields, true >
 Adds I/O fields specific to non-equilibrium models with chemical and thermal nonequilbirum or thermal non-equilibrium only. More...
class  Dumux::NonEquilibriumLocalResidualImplementation< TypeTag, false >
 The local residual for a model without chemical non-equilibrium but potentially with thermal non-equilibrium. More...
struct  Dumux::NonEquilibriumModelTraits< ET, chem, therm, numEF, numES, nf, sf >
 Specifies a number properties of porous-medium flow non-equilibrium models. More...
class  Dumux::NonEquilibriumNewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver >
 A nonequilibrium specific newton solver. More...
class  Dumux::NonEquilibriumVolumeVariablesImplementation< Traits, EquilibriumVolumeVariables, enableChemicalNonEquilibrium, enableThermalNonEquilibrium, numEnergyEqFluid >
 This class contains the volume variables required for the modules which require the specific interfacial area between fluid phases. More...