version 3.9

Models taking into account solid deformation. More...



 Solid mechanics w/o fluid pressure
 Models linear elastic deformation of a solid. Disregards fluid pressure.
 Solid mechanics with fluid pressure
 Models linear elastic deformation of a solid. Takes fluid pressure into account.
 Hyperelastic solid mechanics w/o fluid pressure
 Models nonlinear deformation of an elastic solid.


file  geomechanics/fvproblem.hh
 Base class for all geomechanical problems.
file  lameparams.hh
file  geomechanics/properties.hh
 Defines a type tag and some properties for geomechanical DuMuX models.
file  stressvariablescache.hh
 Base class for the stress variables cache.
file  geomechanics/velocityoutput.hh
 Velocity output for geomechanical models.


class  Dumux::GeomechanicsFVProblem< TypeTag >
 Base class for all geomechanical problems. More...
struct  Dumux::LameParams< Scalar >
 Structure encapsulating the lame parameters. More...
class  Dumux::StressVariablesCache< Scalar, GridGeometry, DiscretizationMethod >
 The stress variables cache classes for models involving geomechanics. Store data required for stress calculation. More...
class  Dumux::GeomechanicsVelocityOutput< GridVariables >
 Velocity output for geomechanical models. This class could be used to compute the temporal derivative of the displacement. Currently this is not implemented and we simply define this here in order to be able to reuse the VtkOutputModule which expects a VelocityOutput class. More...