DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
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4 * See the file COPYING for full copying permissions. *
5 * *
6 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
8 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
9 * (at your option) any later version. *
10 * *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
14 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
15 * *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
17 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
18 *****************************************************************************/
28#include <algorithm>
34namespace Dumux {
45template< class P, class EG, class EV >
47: public InteractionVolumeAssemblerBase< P, EG, EV >
52 template< class IV >
53 using Scalar = typename IV::Traits::MatVecTraits::FaceVector::value_type;
57 using ParentType::ParentType;
73 template< class DataHandle, class IV, class TensorFunc >
74 void assembleMatrices(DataHandle& handle, IV& iv, const TensorFunc& getT, Scalar<IV> wijZeroThresh = 0.0)
75 {
76 const auto zeroRows = assembleLocalMatrices_(handle.A(), handle.AB(), handle.CA(), handle.T(), handle.omegas(), iv, getT, wijZeroThresh);
78 // maybe solve the local system
79 if (iv.numUnknowns() > 0)
80 {
81 // for now, B is carried in what will be AB after solve
82 auto& B = handle.AB();
83 auto& A = handle.A();
85 // If the tensor is zero in some cells, we might have zero rows in the matrix.
86 // In this case we set the diagonal entry of A to 1.0 and the row of B to zero.
87 // This will ultimatively lead to zero transmissibilities for this face.
88 for (const auto& zeroRowIndices : zeroRows)
89 {
90 const auto zeroRowDofIdx = zeroRowIndices.first;
91 for (auto& row : A)
92 row[zeroRowDofIdx] = 0.0;
93 A[zeroRowDofIdx] = 0.0;
94 A[zeroRowDofIdx][zeroRowDofIdx] = 1.0;
95 B[zeroRowDofIdx] = 0.0;
96 }
98 Helper::solveLocalSystem(this->fvGeometry(), handle, iv);
100 // make sure the inverse of A now carries zeroes in the zero rows, as
101 // well as CA and T. AB will have the zeroes already because we set the rows
102 // of B to zero above.
103 for (const auto& zeroRowIndices : zeroRows)
104 {
105 const auto faceIdx = zeroRowIndices.second;
106 A[zeroRowIndices.first] = 0.0;
107 handle.CA()[faceIdx] = 0.0;
108 handle.T()[faceIdx] = 0.0;
110 // reset outside transmissibilities on surface grids
111 static constexpr int dim = IV::Traits::GridView::dimension;
112 static constexpr int dimWorld = IV::Traits::GridView::dimensionworld;
113 if constexpr (dim < dimWorld)
114 std::for_each( handle.tijOutside()[faceIdx].begin(),
115 handle.tijOutside()[faceIdx].end(),
116 [] (auto& outsideTij) { outsideTij = 0.0; } );
117 }
118 }
119 }
129 template< class DataHandle, class IV, class GetU >
130 void assembleU(DataHandle& handle, const IV& iv, const GetU& getU)
131 {
132 auto& u = handle.uj();
133 Helper::resizeVector(u, iv.numKnowns());
135 // put the cell unknowns first, then Dirichlet values
136 typename IV::Traits::IndexSet::LocalIndexType i = 0;
137 for (; i < iv.numScvs(); i++)
138 u[i] = getU( this->elemVolVars()[iv.localScv(i).gridScvIndex()] );
139 for (const auto& data : iv.dirichletData())
140 u[i++] = getU( this->elemVolVars()[data.volVarIndex()] );
141 }
174 template< class IV, class TensorFunc >
175 auto assembleLocalMatrices_(typename IV::Traits::MatVecTraits::AMatrix& A,
176 typename IV::Traits::MatVecTraits::BMatrix& B,
177 typename IV::Traits::MatVecTraits::CMatrix& C,
178 typename IV::Traits::MatVecTraits::DMatrix& D,
179 typename IV::Traits::MatVecTraits::OmegaStorage& wijk,
180 IV& iv, const TensorFunc& getT,
181 Scalar<IV> wijZeroThresh)
182 {
183 using LocalIndexType = typename IV::Traits::IndexSet::LocalIndexType;
184 static constexpr int dim = IV::Traits::GridView::dimension;
185 static constexpr int dimWorld = IV::Traits::GridView::dimensionworld;
187 std::vector< std::pair<LocalIndexType, LocalIndexType> > faceMarkers;
188 Helper::resizeVector(wijk, iv.numFaces());
190 // if only Dirichlet faces are present in the iv,
191 // the matrices A, B & C are undefined and D = T
192 if (iv.numUnknowns() == 0)
193 {
194 // resize & reset D matrix
195 Helper::resizeMatrix(D, iv.numFaces(), iv.numKnowns()); D = 0.0;
197 // Loop over all the faces, in this case these are all dirichlet boundaries
198 for (LocalIndexType faceIdx = 0; faceIdx < iv.numFaces(); ++faceIdx)
199 {
200 const auto& curLocalScvf = iv.localScvf(faceIdx);
201 const auto& curGlobalScvf = this->fvGeometry().scvf(curLocalScvf.gridScvfIndex());
202 const auto& neighborScvIndices = curLocalScvf.neighboringLocalScvIndices();
204 // get tensor in "positive" sub volume
205 const auto& posLocalScv = iv.localScv(neighborScvIndices[0]);
206 const auto& posGlobalScv = this->fvGeometry().scv(posLocalScv.gridScvIndex());
207 const auto& posVolVars = this->elemVolVars()[posGlobalScv];
208 const auto tensor = getT(posVolVars);
210 // the omega factors of the "positive" sub volume
211 Helper::resizeVector(wijk[faceIdx], /*no outside scvs present*/1);
212 wijk[faceIdx][0] = computeMpfaTransmissibility<EG>(this->fvGeometry(), posLocalScv, curGlobalScvf, tensor, posVolVars.extrusionFactor());
214 const auto posScvLocalDofIdx = posLocalScv.localDofIndex();
215 for (LocalIndexType localDir = 0; localDir < dim; localDir++)
216 {
217 const auto& otherLocalScvf = iv.localScvf( posLocalScv.localScvfIndex(localDir) );
218 const auto otherLocalDofIdx = otherLocalScvf.localDofIndex();
219 D[faceIdx][otherLocalDofIdx] -= wijk[faceIdx][0][localDir];
220 D[faceIdx][posScvLocalDofIdx] += wijk[faceIdx][0][localDir];
221 }
222 }
223 }
224 else
225 {
226 // resize & reset matrices
227 Helper::resizeMatrix(A, iv.numUnknowns(), iv.numUnknowns()); A = 0.0;
228 Helper::resizeMatrix(B, iv.numUnknowns(), iv.numKnowns()); B = 0.0;
229 Helper::resizeMatrix(C, iv.numFaces(), iv.numUnknowns()); C = 0.0;
230 Helper::resizeMatrix(D, iv.numFaces(), iv.numKnowns()); D = 0.0;
232 for (LocalIndexType faceIdx = 0; faceIdx < iv.numFaces(); ++faceIdx)
233 {
234 const auto& curLocalScvf = iv.localScvf(faceIdx);
235 const auto& curGlobalScvf = this->fvGeometry().scvf(curLocalScvf.gridScvfIndex());
236 const auto curIsDirichlet = curLocalScvf.isDirichlet();
237 const auto curLocalDofIdx = curLocalScvf.localDofIndex();
239 // get tensor in "positive" sub volume
240 const auto& neighborScvIndices = curLocalScvf.neighboringLocalScvIndices();
241 const auto& posLocalScv = iv.localScv(neighborScvIndices[0]);
242 const auto& posGlobalScv = this->fvGeometry().scv(posLocalScv.gridScvIndex());
243 const auto& posVolVars = this->elemVolVars()[posGlobalScv];
244 const auto tensor = getT(posVolVars);
246 // the omega factors of the "positive" sub volume
247 Helper::resizeVector(wijk[faceIdx], neighborScvIndices.size());
248 wijk[faceIdx][0] = computeMpfaTransmissibility<EG>(this->fvGeometry(), posLocalScv, curGlobalScvf, tensor, posVolVars.extrusionFactor());
250 using std::abs;
251 bool insideZeroWij = false;
253 // go over the coordinate directions in the positive sub volume
254 for (unsigned int localDir = 0; localDir < dim; localDir++)
255 {
256 const auto& otherLocalScvf = iv.localScvf( posLocalScv.localScvfIndex(localDir) );
257 const auto otherLocalDofIdx = otherLocalScvf.localDofIndex();
259 if (otherLocalDofIdx == curLocalDofIdx)
260 {
261 if (abs(wijk[faceIdx][0][localDir]) <= wijZeroThresh)
262 {
263 if (!curIsDirichlet)
264 {
265 insideZeroWij = true;
266 faceMarkers.emplace_back( std::make_pair(curLocalDofIdx, faceIdx) );
267 }
268 }
269 }
271 // if we are not on a Dirichlet face, add entries associated with unknown face pressures
272 // i.e. in matrix C and maybe A (if current face is not a Dirichlet face)
273 if (!otherLocalScvf.isDirichlet())
274 {
275 C[faceIdx][otherLocalDofIdx] -= wijk[faceIdx][0][localDir];
276 if (!curIsDirichlet)
277 A[curLocalDofIdx][otherLocalDofIdx] -= wijk[faceIdx][0][localDir];
278 }
279 // the current face is a Dirichlet face and creates entries in D & maybe B
280 else
281 {
282 D[faceIdx][otherLocalDofIdx] -= wijk[faceIdx][0][localDir];
283 if (!curIsDirichlet)
284 B[curLocalDofIdx][otherLocalDofIdx] += wijk[faceIdx][0][localDir];
285 }
287 // add entries related to pressures at the scv centers (dofs)
288 const auto posScvLocalDofIdx = posLocalScv.localDofIndex();
289 D[faceIdx][posScvLocalDofIdx] += wijk[faceIdx][0][localDir];
291 if (!curIsDirichlet)
292 B[curLocalDofIdx][posScvLocalDofIdx] -= wijk[faceIdx][0][localDir];
293 }
295 // If we are on an interior face, add values from negative sub volume
296 if (!curGlobalScvf.boundary())
297 {
298 // loop over all the outside neighbors of this face and add entries
299 for (unsigned int idxInOutside = 0; idxInOutside < curGlobalScvf.numOutsideScvs(); ++idxInOutside)
300 {
301 const auto idxOnScvf = idxInOutside+1;
302 const auto& negLocalScv = iv.localScv( neighborScvIndices[idxOnScvf] );
303 const auto& negGlobalScv = this->fvGeometry().scv(negLocalScv.gridScvIndex());
304 const auto& negVolVars = this->elemVolVars()[negGlobalScv];
305 const auto negTensor = getT(negVolVars);
307 // On surface grids, use outside face for "negative" transmissibility calculation
308 const auto& scvf = dim < dimWorld ? this->fvGeometry().flipScvf(curGlobalScvf.index(), idxInOutside)
309 : curGlobalScvf;
310 wijk[faceIdx][idxOnScvf] = computeMpfaTransmissibility<EG>(this->fvGeometry(), negLocalScv, scvf, negTensor, negVolVars.extrusionFactor());
312 // flip sign on surface grids (since we used the "outside" normal)
313 if (dim < dimWorld)
314 wijk[faceIdx][idxOnScvf] *= -1.0;
316 // go over the coordinate directions in the negative sub volume
317 for (int localDir = 0; localDir < dim; localDir++)
318 {
319 const auto otherLocalScvfIdx = negLocalScv.localScvfIndex(localDir);
320 const auto& otherLocalScvf = iv.localScvf(otherLocalScvfIdx);
321 const auto otherLocalDofIdx = otherLocalScvf.localDofIndex();
323 // check for zero transmissibilities (skip if inside has been zero already)
324 if (otherLocalDofIdx == curLocalDofIdx && !insideZeroWij)
325 if (abs(wijk[faceIdx][idxOnScvf][localDir]) <= wijZeroThresh)
326 faceMarkers.emplace_back( std::make_pair(curLocalDofIdx, faceIdx) );
328 if (!otherLocalScvf.isDirichlet())
329 A[curLocalDofIdx][otherLocalDofIdx] += wijk[faceIdx][idxOnScvf][localDir];
330 else
331 B[curLocalDofIdx][otherLocalDofIdx] -= wijk[faceIdx][idxOnScvf][localDir];
333 // add entries to matrix B
334 B[curLocalDofIdx][negLocalScv.localDofIndex()] += wijk[faceIdx][idxOnScvf][localDir];
335 }
336 }
337 }
338 }
339 }
341 return faceMarkers;
342 }
345} // end namespace
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