DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
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1// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
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4 * See the file COPYING for full copying permissions. *
5 * *
6 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
8 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
9 * (at your option) any later version. *
10 * *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
14 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
15 * *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
17 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
18 *****************************************************************************/
29#include <utility>
38namespace Dumux {
51template<class GridView, class Traits, bool enableCache>
55template<class GridView>
56void checkOverlapSizeCCMpfa(const GridView& gridView)
58 // Check if the overlap size is what we expect
60 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "The ccmpfa discretization method needs at least an overlap of 1 for parallel computations. "
61 << " Set the parameter \"Grid.Overlap\" in the input file.");
70template<class GV, class Traits>
71class CCMpfaFVGridGeometry<GV, Traits, true>
72: public BaseGridGeometry<GV, Traits>
77 static constexpr int dim = GV::dimension;
78 static constexpr int dimWorld = GV::dimensionworld;
80 using Element = typename GV::template Codim<0>::Entity;
81 using Vertex = typename GV::template Codim<dim>::Entity;
82 using Intersection = typename GV::Intersection;
83 using GridIndexType = typename IndexTraits<GV>::GridIndex;
84 using CoordScalar = typename GV::ctype;
86 using ScvfOutsideGridIndexStorage = typename Traits::SubControlVolumeFace::Traits::OutsideGridIndexStorage;
90 using FlipScvfIndexSet = std::vector<ScvfOutsideGridIndexStorage>;
92 using GridIVIndexSets = typename Traits::template GridIvIndexSets<ThisType>;
94 using SecondaryIvIndicatorType = std::function<bool(const Element&, const Intersection&, bool)>;
97 using LocalView = typename Traits::template LocalView<ThisType, true>;
99 using SubControlVolume = typename Traits::SubControlVolume;
101 using SubControlVolumeFace = typename Traits::SubControlVolumeFace;
105 using ConnectivityMap = typename Traits::template ConnectivityMap<ThisType>;
107 using DofMapper = typename Traits::ElementMapper;
109 using GridView = GV;
111 using MpfaHelper = typename Traits::template MpfaHelper<ThisType>;
115 static constexpr DiscretizationMethod discMethod{};
118 static constexpr int maxElementStencilSize = Traits::maxElementStencilSize;
121 static constexpr bool hasSingleInteractionVolumeType = !MpfaHelper::considerSecondaryIVs();
126 : ParentType(gridView)
127 , secondaryIvIndicator_([] (const Element& e, const Intersection& is, bool isBranching)
128 { return is.boundary() || isBranching; } )
129 {
130 checkOverlapSizeCCMpfa(gridView);
131 update_();
132 }
135 CCMpfaFVGridGeometry(const GridView& gridView, const SecondaryIvIndicatorType& indicator)
136 : ParentType(gridView)
137 , secondaryIvIndicator_(indicator)
138 {
139 checkOverlapSizeCCMpfa(gridView);
140 update_();
141 }
145 const DofMapper& dofMapper() const
146 { return this->elementMapper(); }
149 std::size_t numScv() const
150 { return scvs_.size(); }
153 std::size_t numScvf() const
154 { return scvfs_.size(); }
157 std::size_t numBoundaryScvf() const
158 { return numBoundaryScvf_; }
161 std::size_t numDofs() const
162 { return this->gridView().size(0); }
166 template<bool useSecondary = !hasSingleInteractionVolumeType, std::enable_if_t<useSecondary, bool> = 0>
167 bool vertexUsesSecondaryInteractionVolume(GridIndexType vIdxGlobal) const
168 { return secondaryInteractionVolumeVertices_[vIdxGlobal]; }
172 template<bool useSecondary = !hasSingleInteractionVolumeType, std::enable_if_t<!useSecondary, bool> = 0>
173 constexpr bool vertexUsesSecondaryInteractionVolume(GridIndexType vIdxGlobal) const
174 { return false; }
178 void update(const GridView& gridView)
179 {
180 ParentType::update(gridView);
181 update_();
182 }
185 void update(GridView&& gridView)
186 {
187 ParentType::update(std::move(gridView));
188 update_();
189 }
193 { return MpfaHelper(); }
196 const SubControlVolume& scv(GridIndexType scvIdx) const
197 { return scvs_[scvIdx]; }
200 const SubControlVolumeFace& scvf(GridIndexType scvfIdx) const
201 { return scvfs_[scvfIdx]; }
206 { return connectivityMap_; }
210 { return ivIndexSets_; }
213 const std::vector<GridIndexType>& scvfIndicesOfScv(GridIndexType scvIdx) const
214 { return scvfIndicesOfScv_[scvIdx]; }
218 { return flipScvfIndices_; }
222 const SubControlVolumeFace& flipScvf(GridIndexType scvfIdx, unsigned int outsideScvfIdx = 0) const
223 { return scvfs_[flipScvfIndices_[scvfIdx][outsideScvfIdx]]; }
226 bool hasBoundaryScvf(GridIndexType eIdx) const
227 { return hasBoundaryScvf_[eIdx]; }
231 void update_()
232 {
233 // stop the time required for the update
234 Dune::Timer timer;
236 // clear scvfs container
237 scvfs_.clear();
239 // determine the number of geometric entities
240 const auto numVert = this->gridView().size(dim);
241 const auto numScvs = numDofs();
242 std::size_t numScvf = MpfaHelper::getGlobalNumScvf(this->gridView());
244 // resize containers
245 scvs_.resize(numScvs);
246 scvfs_.reserve(numScvf);
247 scvfIndicesOfScv_.resize(numScvs);
248 hasBoundaryScvf_.assign(numScvs, false);
250 // Some methods require to use a second type of interaction volume, e.g.
251 // around vertices on the boundary or branching points (surface grids)
252 secondaryInteractionVolumeVertices_.assign(numVert, false);
254 // find vertices on processor boundaries
255 const auto isGhostVertex = MpfaHelper::findGhostVertices(this->gridView(), this->vertexMapper());
257 // instantiate the dual grid index set (to be used for construction of interaction volumes)
258 typename GridIVIndexSets::DualGridIndexSet dualIdSet(this->gridView());
260 // Build the SCVs and SCV faces
261 GridIndexType scvfIdx = 0;
262 numBoundaryScvf_ = 0;
263 for (const auto& element : elements(this->gridView()))
264 {
265 const auto eIdx = this->elementMapper().index(element);
267 // the element geometry
268 auto elementGeometry = element.geometry();
270 // The local scvf index set
271 std::vector<GridIndexType> scvfIndexSet;
272 scvfIndexSet.reserve(MpfaHelper::getNumLocalScvfs(elementGeometry.type()));
274 // for network grids there might be multiple intersection with the same geometryInInside
275 // we identify those by the indexInInside for now (assumes conforming grids at branching facets)
276 std::vector<ScvfOutsideGridIndexStorage> outsideIndices;
277 if (dim < dimWorld)
278 {
279 outsideIndices.resize(element.subEntities(1));
280 for (const auto& intersection : intersections(this->gridView(), element))
281 {
282 if (intersection.neighbor())
283 {
284 const auto nIdx = this->elementMapper().index( intersection.outside() );
285 outsideIndices[intersection.indexInInside()].push_back(nIdx);
286 }
287 }
288 }
290 // construct the sub control volume faces
291 for (const auto& is : intersections(this->gridView(), element))
292 {
293 const auto indexInInside = is.indexInInside();
294 const bool boundary = is.boundary();
295 const bool neighbor = is.neighbor();
297 if (boundary)
298 hasBoundaryScvf_[eIdx] = true;
300 // for surface grids, skip the rest if handled already
301 if (dim < dimWorld && neighbor && outsideIndices[indexInInside].empty())
302 continue;
304 // if outside level > inside level, use the outside element in the following
305 const bool useNeighbor = neighbor && is.outside().level() > element.level();
306 const auto& e = useNeighbor ? is.outside() : element;
307 const auto indexInElement = useNeighbor ? is.indexInOutside() : indexInInside;
308 const auto eg = e.geometry();
309 const auto refElement = referenceElement(eg);
311 // Set up a container with all relevant positions for scvf corner computation
312 const auto numCorners = is.geometry().corners();
313 const auto isPositions = MpfaHelper::computeScvfCornersOnIntersection(eg,
314 refElement,
315 indexInElement,
316 numCorners);
318 // evaluate if vertices on this intersection use primary/secondary IVs
319 const bool isBranchingPoint = dim < dimWorld ? outsideIndices[indexInInside].size() > 1 : false;
320 const bool usesSecondaryIV = secondaryIvIndicator_(element, is, isBranchingPoint);
322 // make the scv faces belonging to each corner of the intersection
323 for (std::size_t c = 0; c < numCorners; ++c)
324 {
325 // get the global vertex index the scv face is connected to
326 const auto vIdxLocal = refElement.subEntity(indexInElement, 1, c, dim);
327 const auto vIdxGlobal = this->vertexMapper().subIndex(e, vIdxLocal, dim);
329 // do not build scvfs connected to a processor boundary
330 if (isGhostVertex[vIdxGlobal])
331 continue;
333 // if this vertex is tagged to use the secondary IVs, store info
334 if (usesSecondaryIV)
335 secondaryInteractionVolumeVertices_[vIdxGlobal] = true;
337 // the quadrature point parameterizarion to be used on scvfs
338 static const auto q = getParam<CoordScalar>("MPFA.Q");
340 // make the scv face (for non-boundary scvfs on network grids, use precalculated outside indices)
341 const auto& outsideScvIndices = [&] ()
342 {
343 if (!boundary)
344 return dim == dimWorld ?
345 ScvfOutsideGridIndexStorage({this->elementMapper().index(is.outside())}) :
346 outsideIndices[indexInInside];
347 else
348 return ScvfOutsideGridIndexStorage({GridIndexType(numScvs) + numBoundaryScvf_++});
349 } ();
351 scvfIndexSet.push_back(scvfIdx);
352 scvfs_.emplace_back(MpfaHelper(),
353 MpfaHelper::getScvfCorners(isPositions, numCorners, c),
354 is,
355 vIdxGlobal,
356 vIdxLocal,
357 scvfIdx,
358 eIdx,
359 outsideScvIndices,
360 q,
361 boundary);
363 // insert the scvf data into the dual grid index set
364 dualIdSet[vIdxGlobal].insert(scvfs_.back());
366 // increment scvf counter
367 scvfIdx++;
368 }
370 // for network grids, clear outside indices to not make a second scvf on that facet
371 if (dim < dimWorld)
372 outsideIndices[indexInInside].clear();
373 }
375 // create sub control volume for this element
376 scvs_[eIdx] = SubControlVolume(std::move(elementGeometry), eIdx);
378 // Save the scvf indices belonging to this scv to build up fv element geometries fast
379 scvfIndicesOfScv_[eIdx] = scvfIndexSet;
380 }
382 // Make the flip index set for network and surface grids
383 flipScvfIndices_.resize(scvfs_.size());
384 for (const auto& scvf : scvfs_)
385 {
386 if (scvf.boundary())
387 continue;
389 const auto numOutsideScvs = scvf.numOutsideScvs();
390 const auto vIdxGlobal = scvf.vertexIndex();
391 const auto insideScvIdx = scvf.insideScvIdx();
393 flipScvfIndices_[scvf.index()].resize(numOutsideScvs);
394 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < numOutsideScvs; ++i)
395 {
396 const auto outsideScvIdx = scvf.outsideScvIdx(i);
397 for (auto outsideScvfIndex : scvfIndicesOfScv_[outsideScvIdx])
398 {
399 const auto& outsideScvf = this->scvf(outsideScvfIndex);
400 if (outsideScvf.vertexIndex() == vIdxGlobal &&
401 MpfaHelper::vectorContainsValue(outsideScvf.outsideScvIndices(), insideScvIdx))
402 {
403 flipScvfIndices_[scvf.index()][i] = outsideScvfIndex;
404 // there is always only one flip face in an outside element
405 break;
406 }
407 }
408 }
409 }
411 // building the geometries has finished
412 std::cout << "Initializing of the grid finite volume geometry took " << timer.elapsed() << " seconds." << std::endl;
414 // Initialize the grid interaction volume index sets
415 timer.reset();
416 ivIndexSets_.update(*this, std::move(dualIdSet));
417 std::cout << "Initializing of the grid interaction volume index sets took " << timer.elapsed() << " seconds." << std::endl;
419 // build the connectivity map for an efficient assembly
420 timer.reset();
421 connectivityMap_.update(*this);
422 std::cout << "Initializing of the connectivity map took " << timer.elapsed() << " seconds." << std::endl;
423 }
425 // connectivity map for efficient assembly
426 ConnectivityMap connectivityMap_;
428 // the finite volume grid geometries
429 std::vector<SubControlVolume> scvs_;
430 std::vector<SubControlVolumeFace> scvfs_;
432 // containers storing the global data
433 std::vector<std::vector<GridIndexType>> scvfIndicesOfScv_;
434 std::vector<bool> secondaryInteractionVolumeVertices_;
435 GridIndexType numBoundaryScvf_;
436 std::vector<bool> hasBoundaryScvf_;
438 // needed for embedded surface and network grids (dim < dimWorld)
439 FlipScvfIndexSet flipScvfIndices_;
441 // The grid interaction volume index set
442 GridIVIndexSets ivIndexSets_;
444 // Indicator function on where to use the secondary IVs
445 SecondaryIvIndicatorType secondaryIvIndicator_;
455template<class GV, class Traits>
456class CCMpfaFVGridGeometry<GV, Traits, false>
457: public BaseGridGeometry<GV, Traits>
462 static constexpr int dim = GV::dimension;
463 static constexpr int dimWorld = GV::dimensionworld;
465 using Element = typename GV::template Codim<0>::Entity;
466 using Vertex = typename GV::template Codim<dim>::Entity;
467 using Intersection = typename GV::Intersection;
468 using GridIndexType = typename IndexTraits<GV>::GridIndex;
469 using CoordScalar = typename GV::ctype;
471 using ScvfOutsideGridIndexStorage = typename Traits::SubControlVolumeFace::Traits::OutsideGridIndexStorage;
475 using FlipScvfIndexSet = std::vector<ScvfOutsideGridIndexStorage>;
477 using GridIVIndexSets = typename Traits::template GridIvIndexSets<ThisType>;
479 using SecondaryIvIndicatorType = std::function<bool(const Element&, const Intersection&, bool)>;
482 using LocalView = typename Traits::template LocalView<ThisType, false>;
484 using SubControlVolume = typename Traits::SubControlVolume;
486 using SubControlVolumeFace = typename Traits::SubControlVolumeFace;
490 using ConnectivityMap = typename Traits::template ConnectivityMap<ThisType>;
492 using DofMapper = typename Traits::ElementMapper;
494 using GridView = GV;
496 using MpfaHelper = typename Traits::template MpfaHelper<ThisType>;
500 static constexpr DiscretizationMethod discMethod{};
503 static constexpr int maxElementStencilSize = Traits::maxElementStencilSize;
506 static constexpr bool hasSingleInteractionVolumeType = !MpfaHelper::considerSecondaryIVs();
511 : ParentType(gridView)
512 , secondaryIvIndicator_([] (const Element& e, const Intersection& is, bool isBranching)
513 { return is.boundary() || isBranching; } )
514 {
515 checkOverlapSizeCCMpfa(gridView);
516 update_();
517 }
520 CCMpfaFVGridGeometry(const GridView& gridView, const SecondaryIvIndicatorType& indicator)
521 : ParentType(gridView)
522 , secondaryIvIndicator_(indicator)
523 {
524 checkOverlapSizeCCMpfa(gridView);
525 update_();
526 }
530 const DofMapper& dofMapper() const
531 { return this->elementMapper(); }
534 std::size_t numScv() const
535 { return numScvs_; }
538 std::size_t numScvf() const
539 { return numScvf_; }
542 std::size_t numBoundaryScvf() const
543 { return numBoundaryScvf_; }
546 std::size_t numDofs() const
547 { return this->gridView().size(0); }
551 template<bool useSecondary = !hasSingleInteractionVolumeType, std::enable_if_t<useSecondary, bool> = 0>
552 bool vertexUsesSecondaryInteractionVolume(GridIndexType vIdxGlobal) const
553 { return secondaryInteractionVolumeVertices_[vIdxGlobal]; }
557 template<bool useSecondary = !hasSingleInteractionVolumeType, std::enable_if_t<!useSecondary, bool> = 0>
558 constexpr bool vertexUsesSecondaryInteractionVolume(GridIndexType vIdxGlobal) const
559 { return false; }
562 bool isGhostVertex(const Vertex& v) const
563 { return isGhostVertex_[this->vertexMapper().index(v)]; }
566 bool isGhostVertex(GridIndexType vIdxGlobal) const
567 { return isGhostVertex_[vIdxGlobal]; }
571 void update(const GridView& gridView)
572 {
573 ParentType::update(gridView);
574 update_();
575 }
578 void update(GridView&& gridView)
579 {
580 ParentType::update(std::move(gridView));
581 update_();
582 }
586 { return MpfaHelper(); }
589 const std::vector<GridIndexType>& scvfIndicesOfScv(GridIndexType scvIdx) const
590 { return scvfIndicesOfScv_[scvIdx]; }
593 const std::vector<ScvfOutsideGridIndexStorage>& neighborVolVarIndices(GridIndexType scvIdx) const
594 { return neighborVolVarIndices_[scvIdx]; }
598 const GridIndexType flipScvfIdx(GridIndexType scvfIdx, unsigned int outsideScvfIdx = 0) const
599 { return flipScvfIndices_[scvfIdx][outsideScvfIdx]; }
603 { return flipScvfIndices_; }
608 { return connectivityMap_; }
612 { return ivIndexSets_; }
616 void update_()
617 {
619 // stop the time required for the update
620 Dune::Timer timer;
622 // resize containers
623 numScvs_ = numDofs();
624 scvfIndicesOfScv_.resize(numScvs_);
625 neighborVolVarIndices_.resize(numScvs_);
627 // Some methods require to use a second type of interaction volume, e.g.
628 // around vertices on the boundary or branching points (surface grids)
629 const auto numVert = this->gridView().size(dim);
630 secondaryInteractionVolumeVertices_.assign(numVert, false);
632 // find vertices on processor boundaries HERE!!
633 isGhostVertex_ = MpfaHelper::findGhostVertices(this->gridView(), this->vertexMapper());
635 // instantiate the dual grid index set (to be used for construction of interaction volumes)
636 typename GridIVIndexSets::DualGridIndexSet dualIdSet(this->gridView());
638 // keep track of boundary scvfs and scvf vertex indices in order to set up flip scvf index set
639 const auto maxNumScvfs = numScvs_*LocalView::maxNumElementScvfs;
640 std::vector<bool> scvfIsOnBoundary;
641 std::vector<GridIndexType> scvfVertexIndex;
642 scvfIsOnBoundary.reserve(maxNumScvfs);
643 scvfVertexIndex.reserve(maxNumScvfs);
645 // Build the SCVs and SCV faces
646 numScvf_ = 0;
647 numBoundaryScvf_ = 0;
648 for (const auto& element : elements(this->gridView()))
649 {
650 const auto eIdx = this->elementMapper().index(element);
652 // the element geometry
653 auto elementGeometry = element.geometry();
655 // the element-wise index sets for finite volume geometry
656 const auto numLocalFaces = MpfaHelper::getNumLocalScvfs(elementGeometry.type());
657 std::vector<GridIndexType> scvfsIndexSet;
658 std::vector<ScvfOutsideGridIndexStorage> neighborVolVarIndexSet;
659 scvfsIndexSet.reserve(numLocalFaces);
660 neighborVolVarIndexSet.reserve(numLocalFaces);
662 // for network grids there might be multiple intersections with the same geometryInInside
663 // we identify those by the indexInInside for now (assumes conforming grids at branching facets)
664 std::vector<ScvfOutsideGridIndexStorage> outsideIndices;
665 if (dim < dimWorld)
666 {
667 outsideIndices.resize(element.subEntities(1));
668 for (const auto& intersection : intersections(this->gridView(), element))
669 {
670 if (intersection.neighbor())
671 {
672 auto nIdx = this->elementMapper().index( intersection.outside() );
673 outsideIndices[intersection.indexInInside()].push_back(nIdx);
674 }
675 }
676 }
678 // construct the sub control volume faces
679 for (const auto& is : intersections(this->gridView(), element))
680 {
681 const auto indexInInside = is.indexInInside();
682 const bool boundary = is.boundary();
683 const bool neighbor = is.neighbor();
685 // for surface grids, skip the rest if handled already
686 if (dim < dimWorld && neighbor && outsideIndices[indexInInside].empty())
687 continue;
689 // if outside level > inside level, use the outside element in the following
690 const bool useNeighbor = neighbor && is.outside().level() > element.level();
691 const auto& e = useNeighbor ? is.outside() : element;
692 const auto indexInElement = useNeighbor ? is.indexInOutside() : indexInInside;
693 const auto eg = e.geometry();
694 const auto refElement = referenceElement(eg);
696 // evaluate if vertices on this intersection use primary/secondary IVs
697 const bool isBranchingPoint = dim < dimWorld ? outsideIndices[indexInInside].size() > 1 : false;
698 const bool usesSecondaryIV = secondaryIvIndicator_(element, is, isBranchingPoint);
700 // make the scv faces belonging to each corner of the intersection
701 for (std::size_t c = 0; c < is.geometry().corners(); ++c)
702 {
703 // get the global vertex index the scv face is connected to
704 const auto vIdxLocal = refElement.subEntity(indexInElement, 1, c, dim);
705 const auto vIdxGlobal = this->vertexMapper().subIndex(e, vIdxLocal, dim);
707 // do not build scvfs connected to a processor boundary
708 if (isGhostVertex_[vIdxGlobal])
709 continue;
711 // if this vertex is tagged to use the secondary IVs, store info
712 if (usesSecondaryIV)
713 secondaryInteractionVolumeVertices_[vIdxGlobal] = true;
715 // make the scv face (for non-boundary scvfs on network grids, use precalculated outside indices)
716 const auto& outsideScvIndices = [&] ()
717 {
718 if (!boundary)
719 return dim == dimWorld ?
720 ScvfOutsideGridIndexStorage({this->elementMapper().index(is.outside())}) :
721 outsideIndices[indexInInside];
722 else
723 return ScvfOutsideGridIndexStorage({GridIndexType(numScvs_) + numBoundaryScvf_++});
724 } ();
726 // insert the scvf data into the dual grid index set
727 dualIdSet[vIdxGlobal].insert(numScvf_, eIdx, boundary);
729 // store information on the scv face
730 scvfsIndexSet.push_back(numScvf_++);
731 scvfIsOnBoundary.push_back(boundary);
732 scvfVertexIndex.push_back(vIdxGlobal);
733 neighborVolVarIndexSet.emplace_back(std::move(outsideScvIndices));
734 }
736 // for network grids, clear outside indices to not make a second scvf on that facet
737 if (dim < dimWorld)
738 outsideIndices[indexInInside].clear();
739 }
741 // store the sets of indices in the data container
742 scvfIndicesOfScv_[eIdx] = scvfsIndexSet;
743 neighborVolVarIndices_[eIdx] = neighborVolVarIndexSet;
744 }
746 // Make the flip scvf index set
747 flipScvfIndices_.resize(numScvf_);
748 for (std::size_t scvIdx = 0; scvIdx < numScvs_; ++scvIdx)
749 {
750 const auto& scvfIndices = scvfIndicesOfScv_[scvIdx];
751 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < scvfIndices.size(); ++i)
752 {
753 // boundary scvf have no flip scvfs
754 if (scvfIsOnBoundary[ scvfIndices[i] ])
755 continue;
757 const auto scvfIdx = scvfIndices[i];
758 const auto vIdxGlobal = scvfVertexIndex[scvfIdx];
759 const auto numOutsideScvs = neighborVolVarIndices_[scvIdx][i].size();
761 flipScvfIndices_[scvfIdx].resize(numOutsideScvs);
762 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numOutsideScvs; ++j)
763 {
764 const auto outsideScvIdx = neighborVolVarIndices_[scvIdx][i][j];
765 const auto& outsideScvfIndices = scvfIndicesOfScv_[outsideScvIdx];
766 for (unsigned int k = 0; k < outsideScvfIndices.size(); ++k)
767 {
768 const auto outsideScvfIndex = outsideScvfIndices[k];
769 const auto outsideScvfVertexIndex = scvfVertexIndex[outsideScvfIndex];
770 const auto& outsideScvfNeighborIndices = neighborVolVarIndices_[outsideScvIdx][k];
771 if (outsideScvfVertexIndex == vIdxGlobal &&
772 MpfaHelper::vectorContainsValue(outsideScvfNeighborIndices, scvIdx))
773 {
774 flipScvfIndices_[scvfIdx][j] = outsideScvfIndex;
775 // there is always only one flip face in an outside element
776 break;
777 }
778 }
779 }
780 }
781 }
783 // building the geometries has finished
784 std::cout << "Initializing of the grid finite volume geometry took " << timer.elapsed() << " seconds." << std::endl;
786 // Initialize the grid interaction volume index sets
787 timer.reset();
788 ivIndexSets_.update(*this, std::move(dualIdSet));
789 std::cout << "Initializing of the grid interaction volume index sets took " << timer.elapsed() << " seconds." << std::endl;
791 // build the connectivity map for an efficient assembly
792 timer.reset();
793 connectivityMap_.update(*this);
794 std::cout << "Initializing of the connectivity map took " << timer.elapsed() << " seconds." << std::endl;
795 }
797 // connectivity map for efficient assembly
798 ConnectivityMap connectivityMap_;
800 // containers storing the global data
801 std::vector<std::vector<GridIndexType>> scvfIndicesOfScv_;
802 std::vector<std::vector<ScvfOutsideGridIndexStorage>> neighborVolVarIndices_;
803 std::vector<bool> secondaryInteractionVolumeVertices_;
804 std::vector<bool> isGhostVertex_;
805 GridIndexType numScvs_;
806 GridIndexType numScvf_;
807 GridIndexType numBoundaryScvf_;
809 // needed for embedded surface and network grids (dim < dimWorld)
810 FlipScvfIndexSet flipScvfIndices_;
812 // The grid interaction volume index set
813 GridIVIndexSets ivIndexSets_;
815 // Indicator function on where to use the secondary IVs
816 SecondaryIvIndicatorType secondaryIvIndicator_;
819} // end namespace Dumux
The infrastructure to retrieve run-time parameters from Dune::ParameterTrees.
Defines the index types used for grid and local indices.
Check the overlap size for different discretization methods.
Base class for grid geometries.
Helper classes to compute the integration elements.
The available discretization methods in Dumux.
Adaption of the non-isothermal two-phase two-component flow model to problems with CO2.
Definition: adapt.hh:29
typename Extrusion< T >::type Extrusion_t
Convenience alias for obtaining the extrusion type.
Definition: extrusion.hh:251
void checkOverlapSizeCCMpfa(const GridView &gridView)
check the overlap size for parallel computations
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:56
std::size_t numCorners(Shape shape)
Returns the number of corners of a given geometry.
Definition: throatproperties.hh:232
Structure to define the index types used for grid and local indices.
Definition: indextraits.hh:38
Base class for all grid geometries.
Definition: basegridgeometry.hh:61
typename BaseImplementation::GridView GridView
export the grid view type
Definition: basegridgeometry.hh:69
The finite volume geometry (scvs and scvfs) for cell-centered mpfa models on a grid view This builds ...
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:52
The finite volume geometry (scvs and scvfs) for cell-centered mpfa models on a grid view This builds ...
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:73
typename Traits::ElementMapper DofMapper
export dof mapper type
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:107
typename Traits::SubControlVolumeFace SubControlVolumeFace
export the type of sub control volume
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:101
std::size_t numScvf() const
The total number of sub control volume faces.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:153
typename Traits::template MpfaHelper< ThisType > MpfaHelper
export the mpfa helper type
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:111
const SubControlVolumeFace & flipScvf(GridIndexType scvfIdx, unsigned int outsideScvfIdx=0) const
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:222
const std::vector< GridIndexType > & scvfIndicesOfScv(GridIndexType scvIdx) const
Get the sub control volume face indices of an scv by global index.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:213
Extrusion_t< Traits > Extrusion
export the type of extrusion
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:103
bool vertexUsesSecondaryInteractionVolume(GridIndexType vIdxGlobal) const
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:167
std::vector< ScvfOutsideGridIndexStorage > FlipScvfIndexSet
export the flip scvf index set type
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:90
const ConnectivityMap & connectivityMap() const
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:205
std::size_t numBoundaryScvf() const
The total number of boundary sub control volume faces.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:157
typename Traits::SubControlVolume SubControlVolume
export the type of sub control volume
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:99
typename Traits::template GridIvIndexSets< ThisType > GridIVIndexSets
export the grid interaction volume index set type
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:92
std::size_t numDofs() const
The total number of degrees of freedom.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:161
typename Traits::template LocalView< ThisType, true > LocalView
export the type of the fv element geometry (the local view type)
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:97
void update(const GridView &gridView)
update all fvElementGeometries (call this after grid adaption)
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:178
void update(GridView &&gridView)
update all fvElementGeometries (call this after grid adaption)
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:185
const SubControlVolumeFace & scvf(GridIndexType scvfIdx) const
Get a sub control volume face with a global scvf index.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:200
std::size_t numScv() const
The total number of sub control volumes.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:149
const GridIVIndexSets & gridInteractionVolumeIndexSets() const
Returns the grid interaction volume index set class.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:209
const FlipScvfIndexSet & flipScvfIndexSet() const
Returns the flip scvf index set.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:217
CCMpfaFVGridGeometry(const GridView &gridView, const SecondaryIvIndicatorType &indicator)
Constructor with user-defined indicator function for secondary interaction volumes.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:135
std::function< bool(const Element &, const Intersection &, bool)> SecondaryIvIndicatorType
export the type to be used for indicators where to use the secondary ivs
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:94
typename Traits::template ConnectivityMap< ThisType > ConnectivityMap
export the connectivity map type
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:105
const DofMapper & dofMapper() const
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:145
bool hasBoundaryScvf(GridIndexType eIdx) const
Returns whether one of the geometry's scvfs lies on a boundary.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:226
CCMpfaFVGridGeometry(const GridView &gridView)
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:125
MpfaHelper mpfaHelper() const
Returns instance of the mpfa helper type.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:192
const SubControlVolume & scv(GridIndexType scvIdx) const
Get a sub control volume with a global scv index.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:196
constexpr bool vertexUsesSecondaryInteractionVolume(GridIndexType vIdxGlobal) const
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:173
The finite volume geometry (scvs and scvfs) for cell-centered mpfa models on a grid view This builds ...
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:458
std::function< bool(const Element &, const Intersection &, bool)> SecondaryIvIndicatorType
export the type to be used for indicators where to use the secondary ivs
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:479
typename Traits::SubControlVolumeFace SubControlVolumeFace
export the type of sub control volume
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:486
typename Traits::template ConnectivityMap< ThisType > ConnectivityMap
export the connectivity map type
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:490
bool isGhostVertex(GridIndexType vIdxGlobal) const
Returns true if the vertex (index) lies on a processor boundary inside a ghost element.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:566
const GridIndexType flipScvfIdx(GridIndexType scvfIdx, unsigned int outsideScvfIdx=0) const
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:598
void update(GridView &&gridView)
update all fvElementGeometries (call this after grid adaption)
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:578
const GridIVIndexSets & gridInteractionVolumeIndexSets() const
Returns the grid interaction volume seeds class.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:611
Extrusion_t< Traits > Extrusion
export the type of extrusion
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:488
typename Traits::template GridIvIndexSets< ThisType > GridIVIndexSets
export the grid interaction volume index set type
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:477
const std::vector< ScvfOutsideGridIndexStorage > & neighborVolVarIndices(GridIndexType scvIdx) const
Returns the neighboring vol var indices for each scvf contained in an scv.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:593
CCMpfaFVGridGeometry(const GridView &gridView, const SecondaryIvIndicatorType &indicator)
Constructor with user-defined indicator function for secondary interaction volumes.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:520
const FlipScvfIndexSet & flipScvfIndexSet() const
Returns the flip scvf index set.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:602
CCMpfaFVGridGeometry(const GridView &gridView)
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:510
std::size_t numScv() const
Returns the total number of sub control volumes.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:534
const std::vector< GridIndexType > & scvfIndicesOfScv(GridIndexType scvIdx) const
Returns the sub control volume face indices of an scv by global index.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:589
std::vector< ScvfOutsideGridIndexStorage > FlipScvfIndexSet
export the flip scvf index set type
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:475
typename Traits::SubControlVolume SubControlVolume
export the type of sub control volume
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:484
std::size_t numBoundaryScvf() const
Returns the number of scvfs on the domain boundary.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:542
typename Traits::ElementMapper DofMapper
export dof mapper type
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:492
MpfaHelper mpfaHelper() const
Returns instance of the mpfa helper type.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:585
const DofMapper & dofMapper() const
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:530
const ConnectivityMap & connectivityMap() const
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:607
bool isGhostVertex(const Vertex &v) const
Returns true if a given vertex lies on a processor boundary inside a ghost element.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:562
typename Traits::template MpfaHelper< ThisType > MpfaHelper
export the mpfa helper type
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:496
typename Traits::template LocalView< ThisType, false > LocalView
export the type of the fv element geometry (the local view type)
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:482
bool vertexUsesSecondaryInteractionVolume(GridIndexType vIdxGlobal) const
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:552
constexpr bool vertexUsesSecondaryInteractionVolume(GridIndexType vIdxGlobal) const
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:558
std::size_t numScvf() const
Returns the total number of sub control volume faces.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:538
void update(const GridView &gridView)
update all fvElementGeometries (call this after grid adaption)
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:571
std::size_t numDofs() const
Returns the total number of degrees of freedom.
Definition: discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh:546
Check if the overlap size is valid for a given discretization method.
Definition: checkoverlapsize.hh:40
Definition: method.hh:45