DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
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4 * See the file COPYING for full copying permissions. *
5 * *
6 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
8 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
9 * (at your option) any later version. *
10 * *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
14 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
15 * *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
17 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
18 *****************************************************************************/
28#include <cassert>
30#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
40namespace Dumux {
42namespace Detail {
51} // end namespace Detail
60template <class Traits>
63, public EnergyVolumeVariables<Traits, RichardsVolumeVariables<Traits> >
64, public std::conditional_t<Traits::ModelTraits::enableMolecularDiffusion(),
65 Detail::VolVarsWithPVSwitch, Detail::VolVarsWithOutPVSwitch>
69 using Scalar = typename Traits::PrimaryVariables::value_type;
70 using PermeabilityType = typename Traits::PermeabilityType;
71 using ModelTraits = typename Traits::ModelTraits;
73 static constexpr int numFluidComps = ParentType::numFluidComponents();
74 static constexpr int numPhases = ParentType::numFluidPhases();
76 using EffDiffModel = typename Traits::EffectiveDiffusivityModel;
78 // checks if the fluid system uses the Richards model index convention
79 static constexpr auto fsCheck = ModelTraits::checkFluidSystem(typename Traits::FluidSystem{});
83 using FluidSystem = typename Traits::FluidSystem;
85 using FluidState = typename Traits::FluidState;
88 using SolidState = typename Traits::SolidState;
90 using SolidSystem = typename Traits::SolidSystem;
91 using Indices = typename Traits::ModelTraits::Indices;
93 static constexpr bool enableWaterDiffusionInAir() { return ModelTraits::enableMolecularDiffusion(); };
96 static constexpr auto liquidPhaseIdx = Traits::FluidSystem::phase0Idx;
97 static constexpr auto gasPhaseIdx = Traits::FluidSystem::phase1Idx;
108 template<class ElemSol, class Problem, class Element, class Scv>
109 void update(const ElemSol &elemSol,
110 const Problem &problem,
111 const Element &element,
112 const Scv& scv)
113 {
114 ParentType::update(elemSol, problem, element, scv);
116 const auto fluidMatrixInteraction = problem.spatialParams().fluidMatrixInteraction(element, scv, elemSol);
118 const auto& priVars = elemSol[scv.localDofIndex()];
119 const auto phasePresence = priVars.state();
121 // precompute the minimum capillary pressure (entry pressure)
122 // needed to make sure we don't compute unphysical capillary pressures and thus saturations
123 minPc_ = fluidMatrixInteraction.endPointPc();
125 //update porosity before calculating the effective properties depending on it
126 updateSolidVolumeFractions(elemSol, problem, element, scv, solidState_, numFluidComps);
128 typename FluidSystem::ParameterCache paramCache;
129 auto getEffectiveDiffusionCoefficient = [&](int phaseIdx, int compIIdx, int compJIdx)
130 {
131 return EffDiffModel::effectiveDiffusionCoefficient(*this, phaseIdx, compIIdx, compJIdx);
132 };
134 if (phasePresence == Indices::gasPhaseOnly)
135 {
138 moleFraction_[gasPhaseIdx] = priVars[Indices::switchIdx];
140 const auto averageMolarMassGasPhase = (moleFraction_[gasPhaseIdx]*FluidSystem::molarMass(liquidPhaseIdx)) +
141 ((1-moleFraction_[gasPhaseIdx])*FluidSystem::molarMass(gasPhaseIdx));
143 //X_w = x_w* M_w/ M_avg
144 massFraction_[gasPhaseIdx] = priVars[Indices::switchIdx]*FluidSystem::molarMass(liquidPhaseIdx)/averageMolarMassGasPhase;
146 fluidState_.setSaturation(liquidPhaseIdx, 0.0);
147 fluidState_.setSaturation(gasPhaseIdx, 1.0);
149 EnergyVolVars::updateTemperature(elemSol, problem, element, scv, fluidState_, solidState_);
151 // get pc for sw = 0.0
152 const Scalar pc = fluidMatrixInteraction.pc(0.0);
154 // set the wetting pressure
155 fluidState_.setPressure(liquidPhaseIdx, problem.nonwettingReferencePressure() - pc);
156 fluidState_.setPressure(gasPhaseIdx, problem.nonwettingReferencePressure());
158 // set molar densities
159 if constexpr (enableWaterDiffusionInAir())
160 {
161 molarDensity_[liquidPhaseIdx] = FluidSystem::H2O::liquidDensity(temperature(), pressure(liquidPhaseIdx))/FluidSystem::H2O::molarMass();
162 molarDensity_[gasPhaseIdx] = IdealGas<Scalar>::molarDensity(temperature(), problem.nonwettingReferencePressure());
163 }
165 // density and viscosity
166 paramCache.updateAll(fluidState_);
171 // compute and set the enthalpy
172 fluidState_.setEnthalpy(liquidPhaseIdx, EnergyVolVars::enthalpy(fluidState_, paramCache, liquidPhaseIdx));
173 fluidState_.setEnthalpy(gasPhaseIdx, EnergyVolVars::enthalpy(fluidState_, paramCache, gasPhaseIdx));
175 //binary diffusion coefficients
176 paramCache.updateAll(fluidState_);
177 effectiveDiffCoeff_ = getEffectiveDiffusionCoefficient(gasPhaseIdx,
178 FluidSystem::comp1Idx,
179 FluidSystem::comp0Idx);
180 }
181 else if (phasePresence == Indices::bothPhases)
182 {
183 completeFluidState(elemSol, problem, element, scv, fluidState_, solidState_);
185 // if we want to account for diffusion in the air phase
186 // use Raoult to compute the water mole fraction in air
187 if constexpr (enableWaterDiffusionInAir())
188 {
189 molarDensity_[liquidPhaseIdx] = FluidSystem::H2O::liquidDensity(temperature(), pressure(liquidPhaseIdx))/FluidSystem::H2O::molarMass();
190 molarDensity_[gasPhaseIdx] = IdealGas<Scalar>::molarDensity(temperature(), problem.nonwettingReferencePressure());
193 moleFraction_[gasPhaseIdx] = FluidSystem::H2O::vaporPressure(temperature()) / problem.nonwettingReferencePressure();
195 const auto averageMolarMassGasPhase = (moleFraction_[gasPhaseIdx]*FluidSystem::molarMass(liquidPhaseIdx)) +
196 ((1-moleFraction_[gasPhaseIdx])*FluidSystem::molarMass(gasPhaseIdx));
198 //X_w = x_w* M_w/ M_avg
199 massFraction_[gasPhaseIdx] = moleFraction_[gasPhaseIdx]*FluidSystem::molarMass(liquidPhaseIdx)/averageMolarMassGasPhase;
201 // binary diffusion coefficients
202 paramCache.updateAll(fluidState_);
203 effectiveDiffCoeff_ = getEffectiveDiffusionCoefficient(gasPhaseIdx,
204 FluidSystem::comp1Idx,
205 FluidSystem::comp0Idx);
206 }
207 }
208 else if (phasePresence == Indices::liquidPhaseOnly)
209 {
210 completeFluidState(elemSol, problem, element, scv, fluidState_, solidState_);
212 if constexpr (enableWaterDiffusionInAir())
213 {
214 molarDensity_[liquidPhaseIdx] = FluidSystem::H2O::liquidDensity(temperature(), pressure(liquidPhaseIdx))/FluidSystem::H2O::molarMass();
215 molarDensity_[gasPhaseIdx] = IdealGas<Scalar>::molarDensity(temperature(), problem.nonwettingReferencePressure());
221 // binary diffusion coefficients (none required for liquid phase only)
223 }
224 }
227 // specify the other parameters
229 relativePermeabilityWetting_ = fluidMatrixInteraction.krw(fluidState_.saturation(liquidPhaseIdx));
230 EnergyVolVars::updateSolidEnergyParams(elemSol, problem, element, scv, solidState_);
231 permeability_ = problem.spatialParams().permeability(element, scv, elemSol);
232 EnergyVolVars::updateEffectiveThermalConductivity();
233 }
249 template<class ElemSol, class Problem, class Element, class Scv>
250 void completeFluidState(const ElemSol& elemSol,
251 const Problem& problem,
252 const Element& element,
253 const Scv& scv,
256 {
257 EnergyVolVars::updateTemperature(elemSol, problem, element, scv, fluidState, solidState);
259 const auto fluidMatrixInteraction = problem.spatialParams().fluidMatrixInteraction(element, scv, elemSol);
261 const auto& priVars = elemSol[scv.localDofIndex()];
263 // set the wetting pressure
264 using std::max;
265 Scalar minPc = fluidMatrixInteraction.pc(1.0);
266 fluidState.setPressure(liquidPhaseIdx, priVars[Indices::pressureIdx]);
267 fluidState.setPressure(gasPhaseIdx, max(problem.nonwettingReferencePressure(), fluidState.pressure(liquidPhaseIdx) + minPc));
269 // compute the capillary pressure to compute the saturation
270 // make sure that we the capillary pressure is not smaller than the minimum pc
271 // this would possibly return unphysical values from regularized material laws
272 using std::max;
273 const Scalar pc = max(fluidMatrixInteraction.endPointPc(),
274 problem.nonwettingReferencePressure() - fluidState.pressure(liquidPhaseIdx));
275 const Scalar sw = fluidMatrixInteraction.sw(pc);
276 fluidState.setSaturation(liquidPhaseIdx, sw);
277 fluidState.setSaturation(gasPhaseIdx, 1.0-sw);
279 // density and viscosity
280 typename FluidSystem::ParameterCache paramCache;
281 paramCache.updateAll(fluidState);
282 fluidState.setDensity(liquidPhaseIdx,
284 fluidState.setDensity(gasPhaseIdx,
287 fluidState.setViscosity(liquidPhaseIdx,
290 // compute and set the enthalpy
291 fluidState.setEnthalpy(liquidPhaseIdx, EnergyVolVars::enthalpy(fluidState, paramCache, liquidPhaseIdx));
292 fluidState.setEnthalpy(gasPhaseIdx, EnergyVolVars::enthalpy(fluidState, paramCache, gasPhaseIdx));
293 }
299 const FluidState &fluidState() const
300 { return fluidState_; }
305 const SolidState &solidState() const
306 { return solidState_; }
311 Scalar temperature() const
312 { return fluidState_.temperature(); }
320 Scalar porosity() const
321 { return solidState_.porosity(); }
326 const PermeabilityType& permeability() const
327 { return permeability_; }
339 Scalar saturation(const int phaseIdx = liquidPhaseIdx) const
340 { return fluidState_.saturation(phaseIdx); }
348 Scalar density(const int phaseIdx = liquidPhaseIdx) const
349 { return fluidState_.density(phaseIdx); }
362 Scalar pressure(const int phaseIdx = liquidPhaseIdx) const
363 { return fluidState_.pressure(phaseIdx); }
376 Scalar mobility(const int phaseIdx = liquidPhaseIdx) const
377 { return relativePermeability(phaseIdx)/fluidState_.viscosity(phaseIdx); }
386 Scalar viscosity(const int phaseIdx = liquidPhaseIdx) const
387 { return phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx ? fluidState_.viscosity(liquidPhaseIdx) : 0.0; }
395 Scalar relativePermeability(const int phaseIdx = liquidPhaseIdx) const
396 { return phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx ? relativePermeabilityWetting_ : 1.0; }
409 Scalar capillaryPressure() const
410 {
411 using std::max;
413 }
429 Scalar pressureHead(const int phaseIdx = liquidPhaseIdx) const
430 { return 100.0 *(pressure(phaseIdx) - pressure(gasPhaseIdx))/density(phaseIdx)/9.81; }
442 Scalar waterContent(const int phaseIdx = liquidPhaseIdx) const
443 { return saturation(phaseIdx) * solidState_.porosity(); }
452 Scalar moleFraction(const int phaseIdx, const int compIdx) const
453 {
454 static_assert(enableWaterDiffusionInAir());
455 if (compIdx != FluidSystem::comp0Idx)
456 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "There is only one component for Richards!");
457 return moleFraction_[phaseIdx];
458 }
467 Scalar massFraction(const int phaseIdx, const int compIdx) const
468 {
469 static_assert(enableWaterDiffusionInAir());
470 if (compIdx != FluidSystem::comp0Idx)
471 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "There is only one component for Richards!");
472 return massFraction_[phaseIdx];
473 }
481 Scalar molarDensity(const int phaseIdx) const
482 {
483 static_assert(enableWaterDiffusionInAir());
484 return molarDensity_[phaseIdx];
485 }
490 Scalar diffusionCoefficient(int phaseIdx, int compIIdx, int compJIdx) const
491 {
493 assert(phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx);
494 assert(compIIdx != compJIdx);
495 typename FluidSystem::ParameterCache paramCache;
496 paramCache.updatePhase(fluidState_, phaseIdx);
497 return FluidSystem::binaryDiffusionCoefficient(fluidState_, paramCache, phaseIdx, compIIdx, compJIdx);
498 }
503 Scalar effectiveDiffusionCoefficient(int phaseIdx, int compIIdx, int compJIdx) const
504 {
506 assert(phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx);
507 assert(compIIdx != compJIdx);
508 return effectiveDiffCoeff_;
509 }
515 PermeabilityType permeability_;
516 Scalar minPc_;
517 Scalar moleFraction_[numPhases];
518 Scalar massFraction_[numPhases];
519 Scalar molarDensity_[numPhases];
521 // Effective diffusion coefficients for the phases
525} // end namespace Dumux
Update the solid volume fractions (inert and reacitve) and set them in the solidstate.
A central place for various physical constants occuring in some equations.
Relations valid for an ideal gas.
void updateSolidVolumeFractions(const ElemSol &elemSol, const Problem &problem, const Element &element, const Scv &scv, SolidState &solidState, const int solidVolFracOffset)
update the solid volume fractions (inert and reacitve) and set them in the solidstate
Definition: updatesolidvolumefractions.hh:36
Definition: adapt.hh:29
std::string phasePresence() noexcept
I/O name of phase presence.
Definition: name.hh:147
std::string viscosity(int phaseIdx) noexcept
I/O name of viscosity for multiphase systems.
Definition: name.hh:74
std::string density(int phaseIdx) noexcept
I/O name of density for multiphase systems.
Definition: name.hh:65
static constexpr Scalar molarDensity(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
The molar density of the gas , depending on pressure and temperature.
Definition: idealgas.hh:70
Definition: porousmediumflow/nonisothermal/volumevariables.hh:76
The primary variable switch controlling the phase presence state variable.
Definition: richards/primaryvariableswitch.hh:41
Helper structs to conditionally use a primary variable switch or not.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:45
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:50
Volume averaged quantities required by the Richards model.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:66
Scalar saturation(const int phaseIdx=liquidPhaseIdx) const
Returns the average absolute saturation [] of a given fluid phase within the finite volume.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:339
FluidState fluidState_
the fluid state
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:512
Scalar relativePermeabilityWetting_
the relative permeability of the wetting phase
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:514
const PermeabilityType & permeability() const
Returns the permeability within the control volume in .
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:326
Scalar diffusionCoefficient(int phaseIdx, int compIIdx, int compJIdx) const
Returns the binary diffusion coefficients for a phase in .
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:490
Scalar waterContent(const int phaseIdx=liquidPhaseIdx) const
Returns the water content of a fluid phase within the finite volume.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:442
Scalar porosity() const
Returns the average porosity [] within the control volume.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:320
Scalar moleFraction(const int phaseIdx, const int compIdx) const
Returns the mole fraction of a given component in a given phase within the control volume in .
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:452
SolidState solidState_
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:513
const FluidState & fluidState() const
Returns the fluid configuration at the given primary variables.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:299
Scalar viscosity(const int phaseIdx=liquidPhaseIdx) const
Returns the dynamic viscosity of a given phase within the control volume.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:386
static constexpr auto liquidPhaseIdx
Export phase indices.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:96
static constexpr auto gasPhaseIdx
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:97
Scalar pressureHead(const int phaseIdx=liquidPhaseIdx) const
Returns the pressureHead of a given phase within the control volume.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:429
static constexpr bool enableWaterDiffusionInAir()
If water diffusion in air is enabled.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:93
void update(const ElemSol &elemSol, const Problem &problem, const Element &element, const Scv &scv)
Updates all quantities for a given control volume.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:109
Scalar capillaryPressure() const
Returns the effective capillary pressure within the control volume.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:409
PermeabilityType permeability_
the intrinsic permeability
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:515
Scalar density(const int phaseIdx=liquidPhaseIdx) const
Returns the average mass density of a given fluid phase within the control volume.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:348
typename Traits::SolidSystem SolidSystem
Export type of solid system.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:90
Scalar massFraction_[numPhases]
The water mass fractions in water and air.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:518
Scalar effectiveDiffusionCoefficient(int phaseIdx, int compIIdx, int compJIdx) const
Returns the effective diffusion coefficients for a phase in .
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:503
Scalar molarDensity_[numPhases]
The molar density of water and air.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:519
typename Traits::ModelTraits::Indices Indices
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:91
Scalar relativePermeability(const int phaseIdx=liquidPhaseIdx) const
Returns relative permeability [-] of a given phase within the control volume.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:395
Scalar moleFraction_[numPhases]
The water mole fractions in water and air.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:517
const SolidState & solidState() const
Returns the phase state for the control volume.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:305
typename Traits::SolidState SolidState
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:88
Scalar effectiveDiffCoeff_
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:522
void completeFluidState(const ElemSol &elemSol, const Problem &problem, const Element &element, const Scv &scv, FluidState &fluidState, SolidState &solidState)
Fills the fluid state according to the primary variables.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:250
Scalar molarDensity(const int phaseIdx) const
Returns the mass density of a given phase within the control volume in .
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:481
Scalar massFraction(const int phaseIdx, const int compIdx) const
Returns the mole fraction of a given component in a given phase within the control volume in .
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:467
Scalar mobility(const int phaseIdx=liquidPhaseIdx) const
Returns the effective mobility of a given phase within the control volume.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:376
Scalar pressure(const int phaseIdx=liquidPhaseIdx) const
Returns the effective pressure of a given phase within the control volume.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:362
typename Traits::FluidSystem FluidSystem
Export type of the fluid system.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:83
typename Traits::FluidState FluidState
Export type of the fluid state.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:85
Scalar temperature() const
Returns the temperature.
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:311
Scalar minPc_
the minimum capillary pressure (entry pressure)
Definition: porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh:516
The isothermal base class.
Definition: porousmediumflow/volumevariables.hh:42
static constexpr int numFluidComponents()
Return number of components considered by the model.
Definition: porousmediumflow/volumevariables.hh:54
const PrimaryVariables & priVars() const
Returns the vector of primary variables.
Definition: porousmediumflow/volumevariables.hh:78
static constexpr int numFluidPhases()
Return number of phases considered by the model.
Definition: porousmediumflow/volumevariables.hh:52
void update(const ElemSol &elemSol, const Problem &problem, const Element &element, const Scv &scv)
Updates all quantities for a given control volume.
Definition: porousmediumflow/volumevariables.hh:66
Base class for the model specific class which provides access to all volume averaged quantities.
Base class for the model specific class which provides access to all volume averaged quantities.
The primary variable switch for the extended Richards model.