72#ifndef DUMUX_2P2C_MODEL_HH
73#define DUMUX_2P2C_MODEL_HH
class TypeTag>
116 static_assert(FluidSystem::numComponents == 2,
"Only fluid systems with 2 components are supported by the 2p-2c model!");
117 static_assert(FluidSystem::numPhases == 2,
"Only fluid systems with 2 phases are supported by the 2p-2c model!");
121 getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::UseMoles>(),
123 getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::Formulation>(),
124 getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::ReplaceCompEqIdx>()>;
class TypeTag>
class TypeTag>
142 static constexpr bool enableIS = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableBoxInterfaceSolver>();
143 static_assert(FSY::numComponents == 2,
"Only fluid systems with 2 components are supported by the 2p2c model!");
144 static_assert(FSY::numPhases == 2,
"Only fluid systems with 2 phases are supported by the 2p2c model!");
151 template<
class BaseTraits,
class DT,
class EDM>
154 using DiffusionType = DT;
157 static constexpr bool useConstraintSolver = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::UseConstraintSolver>();
class TypeTag>
class TypeTag>
class TypeTag>
193 static constexpr bool enableIS = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableBoxInterfaceSolver>();
202 template<
class BaseTraits,
class DT,
class EDM,
class ETCM>
205 using DiffusionType = DT;
207 using EffectiveThermalConductivityModel = ETCM;
class TypeTag>
class TypeTag>
class TwoPTwoCModelTraits>
230namespace Properties {
class TypeTag>
class TypeTag>
class TypeTag>
254 static constexpr bool enableTNE = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableThermalNonEquilibrium>();
255 static constexpr bool enableCNE = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableChemicalNonEquilibrium>();
256 static constexpr int numEF = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::NumEnergyEqFluid>();
257 static constexpr int numES = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::NumEnergyEqSolid>();
258 static constexpr auto nf = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::NusseltFormulation>();
259 static constexpr auto ns = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::SherwoodFormulation>();
class TypeTag>
class TypeTag>
class TypeTag>
296 static constexpr bool enableIS = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableBoxInterfaceSolver>();
303 template<
class BaseTraits,
class DT,
class EDM>
306 using DiffusionType = DT;
310 static constexpr bool useConstraintSolver = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::UseConstraintSolver>();
class TypeTag>
331 static constexpr bool enableTNE = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableThermalNonEquilibrium>();
332 static constexpr bool enableCNE = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableChemicalNonEquilibrium>();
333 static constexpr int numEF = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::NumEnergyEqFluid>();
334 static constexpr int numES = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::NumEnergyEqSolid>();
335 static constexpr auto nf = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::NusseltFormulation>();
336 static constexpr auto ns = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::SherwoodFormulation>();
class TypeTag>
class TypeTag>
366 static constexpr bool enableIS = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableBoxInterfaceSolver>();
375 template<
class BaseTraits,
class DT,
class EDM,
class ETCM>
378 using DiffusionType = DT;
380 using EffectiveThermalConductivityModel = ETCM;
382 static constexpr bool useConstraintSolver = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::UseConstraintSolver>();
class TypeTag>
Relation for the saturation-dependent effective thermal conductivity.
Relation for the saturation-dependent effective thermal conductivity.
Defines an enumeration for the formulations accepted by the two-phase model.
typename Properties::Detail::GetPropImpl< TypeTag, Property >::type::type GetPropType
get the type alias defined in the property
Definition: propertysystem.hh:150
Traits class encapsulating model specifications.
Definition: common/properties.hh:53
Model traits to be used as a base for nonisothermal, mineralization ... models.
Definition: common/properties.hh:55
A class helping models to define input and output fields.
Definition: common/properties.hh:63
The secondary variables within a sub-control volume.
Definition: common/properties.hh:107
The employed model for the computation of the effective diffusivity.
Definition: common/properties.hh:170
Model to be used for the calculation of the effective conductivity.
Definition: common/properties.hh:172
Whether to use a contraint solver for computing the secondary variables.
Definition: common/properties.hh:179
the formulation of the pressure e.g most wetting first
Definition: common/properties.hh:257
Definition: common/properties.hh:259
Definition: common/properties.hh:263
Relation for the saturation-dependent effective thermal conductivity.
Definition: simplefluidlumping.hh:38
Relation for the saturation-dependent effective thermal conductivity.
Definition: somerton.hh:60
Traits class for the two-phase model.
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p/model.hh:112
Class that computes the nonwetting saturation in an scv from the saturation at the global degree of f...
Definition: saturationreconstruction.hh:43
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p2c/model.hh:100
std::tuple< TwoPNC > InheritsFrom
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p2c/model.hh:100
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p2c/model.hh:101
std::tuple< TwoPTwoC > InheritsFrom
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p2c/model.hh:101
GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::BaseModelTraits > type
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p2c/model.hh:127
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p2c/model.hh:226
static constexpr int numConstraintEq()
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p2c/model.hh:227
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p2c/model.hh:235
std::tuple< NonEquilibrium, TwoPTwoC > InheritsFrom
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p2c/model.hh:235
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p2c/model.hh:321
std::tuple< TwoPTwoCNonEquil > InheritsFrom
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p2c/model.hh:321
Definition: porousmediumflow/2p2c/volumevariables.hh:44
Adds I/O fields specific to the TwoPNC model.
Definition: porousmediumflow/2pnc/iofields.hh:39
Specifies a number properties of two-phase n-component models.
Definition: porousmediumflow/2pnc/model.hh:115
Element-wise calculation of the local residual for problems using compositional fully implicit model.
Definition: porousmediumflow/compositional/localresidual.hh:46
Specifies a number properties of porous-medium flow non-equilibrium models.
Definition: porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/model.hh:57
This class contains the volume variables required for the modules which require the specific interfac...
Definition: porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/volumevariables.hh:49
Adds I/O fields specific to non-isothermal models.
Definition: porousmediumflow/nonisothermal/iofields.hh:39
Specifies a number properties of non-isothermal porous medium flow models based on the specifics of a...
Definition: porousmediumflow/nonisothermal/model.hh:70
Declares all properties used in Dumux.
Adaption of the fully implicit scheme to the two-phase n-component fully implicit model.
This specifies models which are able to capture non-equilibrium mass and / or energy transfer.
The implicit non-isothermal model.
Adds I/O fields specific to non-isothermal models.
This class contains the volume variables required for the modules which require the specific interfac...