DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
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1// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
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4 * See the file COPYING for full copying permissions. *
5 * *
6 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
8 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
9 * (at your option) any later version. *
10 * *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
14 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
15 * *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
17 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
18 *****************************************************************************/
28#include <vector>
30#include <dune/common/timer.hh>
31#include <dune/geometry/quadraturerules.hh>
33#include <dumux/common/tag.hh>
44namespace Dumux {
46namespace Embedded1d3dCouplingMode {
47struct Average : public Utility::Tag<Average> {
48 static std::string name() { return "average"; }
51inline constexpr Average average{};
52} // end namespace Embedded1d3dCouplingMode
54// forward declaration
55template<class MDTraits, class CouplingMode>
56class Embedded1d3dCouplingManager;
64template<class MDTraits>
65class Embedded1d3dCouplingManager<MDTraits, Embedded1d3dCouplingMode::Average>
66: public EmbeddedCouplingManagerBase<MDTraits, Embedded1d3dCouplingManager<MDTraits, Embedded1d3dCouplingMode::Average>,
67 CircleAveragePointSourceTraits<MDTraits>>
71 using Scalar = typename MDTraits::Scalar;
72 using SolutionVector = typename MDTraits::SolutionVector;
73 using PointSourceData = typename ParentType::PointSourceTraits::PointSourceData;
75 static constexpr auto bulkIdx = typename MDTraits::template SubDomain<0>::Index();
76 static constexpr auto lowDimIdx = typename MDTraits::template SubDomain<1>::Index();
78 // the sub domain type aliases
79 template<std::size_t id> using SubDomainTypeTag = typename MDTraits::template SubDomain<id>::TypeTag;
80 template<std::size_t id> using Problem = GetPropType<SubDomainTypeTag<id>, Properties::Problem>;
81 template<std::size_t id> using GridGeometry = GetPropType<SubDomainTypeTag<id>, Properties::GridGeometry>;
82 template<std::size_t id> using GridView = typename GridGeometry<id>::GridView;
83 template<std::size_t id> using Element = typename GridView<id>::template Codim<0>::Entity;
84 template<std::size_t id> using GridIndex = typename IndexTraits<GridView<id>>::GridIndex;
86 using GlobalPosition = typename Element<bulkIdx>::Geometry::GlobalCoordinate;
88 template<std::size_t id>
89 static constexpr bool isBox()
90 { return GridGeometry<id>::discMethod == DiscretizationMethod::box; }
94 enum {
95 bulkDim = GridView<bulkIdx>::dimension,
96 lowDimDim = GridView<lowDimIdx>::dimension,
97 dimWorld = GridView<bulkIdx>::dimensionworld
98 };
100 static constexpr Embedded1d3dCouplingMode::Average couplingMode{};
102 using ParentType::ParentType;
104 void init(std::shared_ptr<Problem<bulkIdx>> bulkProblem,
105 std::shared_ptr<Problem<lowDimIdx>> lowDimProblem,
106 const SolutionVector& curSol)
107 {
108 ParentType::init(bulkProblem, lowDimProblem, curSol);
109 computeLowDimVolumeFractions();
110 }
118 template<std::size_t id, class JacobianPattern>
119 void extendJacobianPattern(Dune::index_constant<id> domainI, JacobianPattern& pattern) const
120 {
121 extendedSourceStencil_.extendJacobianPattern(*this, domainI, pattern);
122 }
131 template<std::size_t i, class LocalAssemblerI, class JacobianMatrixDiagBlock, class GridVariables>
132 void evalAdditionalDomainDerivatives(Dune::index_constant<i> domainI,
133 const LocalAssemblerI& localAssemblerI,
134 const typename LocalAssemblerI::LocalResidual::ElementResidualVector&,
135 JacobianMatrixDiagBlock& A,
136 GridVariables& gridVariables)
137 {
138 extendedSourceStencil_.evalAdditionalDomainDerivatives(*this, domainI, localAssemblerI, this->curSol(), A, gridVariables);
139 }
141 /* \brief Compute integration point point sources and associated data
142 *
143 * This method uses grid glue to intersect the given grids. Over each intersection
144 * we later need to integrate a source term. This method places point sources
145 * at each quadrature point and provides the point source with the necessary
146 * information to compute integrals (quadrature weight and integration element)
147 * \param order The order of the quadrature rule for integration of sources over an intersection
148 * \param verbose If the point source computation is verbose
149 */
150 void computePointSourceData(std::size_t order = 1, bool verbose = false)
151 {
152 // Initialize the bulk bounding box tree
153 const auto& bulkGridGeometry = this->problem(bulkIdx).gridGeometry();
154 const auto& lowDimGridGeometry = this->problem(lowDimIdx).gridGeometry();
155 const auto& bulkTree = bulkGridGeometry.boundingBoxTree();
157 // initialize the maps
158 // do some logging and profiling
159 Dune::Timer watch;
160 std::cout << "Initializing the point sources..." << std::endl;
162 // clear all internal members like pointsource vectors and stencils
163 // initializes the point source id counter
164 this->clear();
165 extendedSourceStencil_.clear();
167 // precompute the vertex indices for efficiency
168 this->precomputeVertexIndices(bulkIdx);
169 this->precomputeVertexIndices(lowDimIdx);
171 // intersect the bounding box trees
172 this->glueGrids();
174 // iterate over all intersection and add point sources
175 const auto& lowDimProblem = this->problem(lowDimIdx);
176 for (const auto& is : intersections(this->glue()))
177 {
178 // all inside elements are identical...
179 const auto& lowDimElement = is.targetEntity(0);
180 const auto lowDimElementIdx = lowDimGridGeometry.elementMapper().index(lowDimElement);
182 // get the intersection geometry
183 const auto intersectionGeometry = is.geometry();
184 // get the Gaussian quadrature rule for the local intersection
185 const auto& quad = Dune::QuadratureRules<Scalar, lowDimDim>::rule(intersectionGeometry.type(), order);
187 // apply the Gaussian quadrature rule and define point sources at each quadrature point
188 // note that the approximation is not optimal if
189 // (a) the one-dimensional elements are too large,
190 // (b) whenever a one-dimensional element is split between two or more elements,
191 // (c) when gradients of important quantities in the three-dimensional domain are large.
193 // iterate over all quadrature points
194 for (auto&& qp : quad)
195 {
196 // global position of the quadrature point
197 const auto globalPos = intersectionGeometry.global(qp.position());
199 const auto bulkElementIndices = intersectingEntities(globalPos, bulkTree);
201 // do not add a point source if the qp is outside of the 3d grid
202 // this is equivalent to having a source of zero for that qp
203 if (bulkElementIndices.empty())
204 continue;
207 // get circle average connectivity and interpolation data
210 static const auto numIp = getParam<int>("MixedDimension.NumCircleSegments");
211 const auto radius = lowDimProblem.spatialParams().radius(lowDimElementIdx);
212 const auto normal = intersectionGeometry.corner(1)-intersectionGeometry.corner(0);
213 const auto circleAvgWeight = 2*M_PI*radius/numIp;
214 const auto integrationElement = intersectionGeometry.integrationElement(qp.position());
215 const auto qpweight = qp.weight();
217 const auto circlePoints = EmbeddedCoupling::circlePoints(globalPos, normal, radius, numIp);
218 std::vector<Scalar> circleIpWeight; circleIpWeight.reserve(circlePoints.size());
219 std::vector<GridIndex<bulkIdx>> circleStencil; circleStencil.reserve(circlePoints.size());
221 // for box
222 std::vector<const std::vector<GridIndex<bulkIdx>>*> circleCornerIndices;
223 using ShapeValues = std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 1> >;
224 std::vector<ShapeValues> circleShapeValues;
226 // go over all points of the average operator
227 int insideCirclePoints = 0;
228 for (int k = 0; k < circlePoints.size(); ++k)
229 {
230 const auto circleBulkElementIndices = intersectingEntities(circlePoints[k], bulkTree);
231 if (circleBulkElementIndices.empty())
232 continue;
234 ++insideCirclePoints;
235 const auto localCircleAvgWeight = circleAvgWeight / circleBulkElementIndices.size();
236 for (const auto bulkElementIdx : circleBulkElementIndices)
237 {
238 circleStencil.push_back(bulkElementIdx);
239 circleIpWeight.push_back(localCircleAvgWeight);
241 // precompute interpolation data for box scheme for each cut bulk element
242 if constexpr (isBox<bulkIdx>())
243 {
244 const auto bulkElement = bulkGridGeometry.element(bulkElementIdx);
245 circleCornerIndices.push_back(&(this->vertexIndices(bulkIdx, bulkElementIdx)));
247 // evaluate shape functions at the integration point
248 const auto bulkGeometry = bulkElement.geometry();
249 ShapeValues shapeValues;
250 this->getShapeValues(bulkIdx, bulkGridGeometry, bulkGeometry, circlePoints[k], shapeValues);
251 circleShapeValues.emplace_back(std::move(shapeValues));
252 }
253 }
254 }
256 // if the circle stencil is empty (that is the circle is entirely outside the domain)
257 // we do not add a (zero) point source
258 if (circleStencil.empty())
259 continue;
261 // export low dim circle stencil
262 if constexpr (isBox<bulkIdx>())
263 {
264 // we insert all vertices and make it unique later
265 for (const auto& vertices : circleCornerIndices)
266 {
267 this->couplingStencils(lowDimIdx)[lowDimElementIdx].insert(this->couplingStencils(lowDimIdx)[lowDimElementIdx].end(),
268 vertices->begin(), vertices->end());
270 }
271 }
272 else
273 {
274 this->couplingStencils(lowDimIdx)[lowDimElementIdx].insert(this->couplingStencils(lowDimIdx)[lowDimElementIdx].end(),
275 circleStencil.begin(), circleStencil.end());
276 }
278 // surface fraction that is inside the domain (only different than 1.0 on the boundary)
279 const auto surfaceFraction = Scalar(insideCirclePoints)/Scalar(circlePoints.size());
281 // loop over the bulk elements at the integration points (usually one except when it is on a face or edge or vertex)
282 for (auto bulkElementIdx : bulkElementIndices)
283 {
284 const auto id = this->idCounter_++;
286 this->pointSources(bulkIdx).emplace_back(globalPos, id, qpweight, integrationElement*surfaceFraction, bulkElementIdx);
287 this->pointSources(bulkIdx).back().setEmbeddings(bulkElementIndices.size());
288 this->pointSources(lowDimIdx).emplace_back(globalPos, id, qpweight, integrationElement*surfaceFraction, lowDimElementIdx);
289 this->pointSources(lowDimIdx).back().setEmbeddings(bulkElementIndices.size());
291 // pre compute additional data used for the evaluation of
292 // the actual solution dependent source term
293 PointSourceData psData;
295 if constexpr (isBox<lowDimIdx>())
296 {
297 ShapeValues shapeValues;
298 this->getShapeValues(lowDimIdx, lowDimGridGeometry, intersectionGeometry, globalPos, shapeValues);
299 psData.addLowDimInterpolation(shapeValues, this->vertexIndices(lowDimIdx, lowDimElementIdx), lowDimElementIdx);
300 }
301 else
302 {
303 psData.addLowDimInterpolation(lowDimElementIdx);
304 }
306 // add data needed to compute integral over the circle
307 if constexpr (isBox<bulkIdx>())
308 {
309 psData.addCircleInterpolation(circleCornerIndices, circleShapeValues, circleIpWeight, circleStencil);
311 const auto bulkGeometry = bulkGridGeometry.element(bulkElementIdx).geometry();
312 ShapeValues shapeValues;
313 this->getShapeValues(bulkIdx, bulkGridGeometry, bulkGeometry, globalPos, shapeValues);
314 psData.addBulkInterpolation(shapeValues, this->vertexIndices(bulkIdx, bulkElementIdx), bulkElementIdx);
315 }
316 else
317 {
318 psData.addCircleInterpolation(circleIpWeight, circleStencil);
319 psData.addBulkInterpolation(bulkElementIdx);
320 }
322 // publish point source data in the global vector
323 this->pointSourceData().emplace_back(std::move(psData));
325 // mean distance to outside element for source correction schemes
326 const auto outsideGeometry = bulkGridGeometry.element(bulkElementIdx).geometry();
327 this->averageDistanceToBulkCell().push_back(averageDistancePointGeometry(globalPos, outsideGeometry));
329 // export the bulk coupling stencil
330 if constexpr (isBox<lowDimIdx>())
331 {
332 this->couplingStencils(bulkIdx)[bulkElementIdx].insert(this->couplingStencils(bulkIdx)[bulkElementIdx].end(),
333 this->vertexIndices(lowDimIdx, lowDimElementIdx).begin(),
334 this->vertexIndices(lowDimIdx, lowDimElementIdx).end());
336 }
337 else
338 {
339 this->couplingStencils(bulkIdx)[bulkElementIdx].push_back(lowDimElementIdx);
340 }
342 // export bulk circle stencil
343 if constexpr (isBox<bulkIdx>())
344 {
345 // we insert all vertices and make it unique later
346 for (const auto& vertices : circleCornerIndices)
347 {
348 extendedSourceStencil_.stencil()[bulkElementIdx].insert(extendedSourceStencil_.stencil()[bulkElementIdx].end(),
349 vertices->begin(), vertices->end());
351 }
352 }
353 else
354 {
355 extendedSourceStencil_.stencil()[bulkElementIdx].insert(extendedSourceStencil_.stencil()[bulkElementIdx].end(),
356 circleStencil.begin(), circleStencil.end());
357 }
358 }
359 }
360 }
362 // make the circle stencil unique (for source derivatives)
363 for (auto&& stencil : extendedSourceStencil_.stencil())
364 {
365 std::sort(stencil.second.begin(), stencil.second.end());
366 stencil.second.erase(std::unique(stencil.second.begin(), stencil.second.end()), stencil.second.end());
368 // remove the vertices element (box)
369 if constexpr (isBox<bulkIdx>())
370 {
371 const auto& indices = this->vertexIndices(bulkIdx, stencil.first);
372 stencil.second.erase(std::remove_if(stencil.second.begin(), stencil.second.end(),
373 [&](auto i){ return std::find(indices.begin(), indices.end(), i) != indices.end(); }),
374 stencil.second.end());
375 }
376 // remove the own element (cell-centered)
377 else
378 {
379 stencil.second.erase(std::remove_if(stencil.second.begin(), stencil.second.end(),
380 [&](auto i){ return i == stencil.first; }),
381 stencil.second.end());
382 }
383 }
385 // make stencils unique
386 using namespace Dune::Hybrid;
387 forEach(integralRange(Dune::index_constant<2>{}), [&](const auto domainIdx)
388 {
389 for (auto&& stencil : this->couplingStencils(domainIdx))
390 {
391 std::sort(stencil.second.begin(), stencil.second.end());
392 stencil.second.erase(std::unique(stencil.second.begin(), stencil.second.end()), stencil.second.end());
393 }
394 });
396 std::cout << "took " << watch.elapsed() << " seconds." << std::endl;
397 }
401 {
402 // resize the storage vector
403 lowDimVolumeInBulkElement_.resize(this->gridView(bulkIdx).size(0));
404 // get references to the grid geometries
405 const auto& lowDimGridGeometry = this->problem(lowDimIdx).gridGeometry();
406 const auto& bulkGridGeometry = this->problem(bulkIdx).gridGeometry();
408 // compute the low dim volume fractions
409 for (const auto& is : intersections(this->glue()))
410 {
411 // all inside elements are identical...
412 const auto& inside = is.targetEntity(0);
413 const auto intersectionGeometry = is.geometry();
414 const auto lowDimElementIdx = lowDimGridGeometry.elementMapper().index(inside);
416 // compute the volume the low-dim domain occupies in the bulk domain if it were full-dimensional
417 const auto radius = this->problem(lowDimIdx).spatialParams().radius(lowDimElementIdx);
418 for (int outsideIdx = 0; outsideIdx < is.numDomainNeighbors(); ++outsideIdx)
419 {
420 const auto& outside = is.domainEntity(outsideIdx);
421 const auto bulkElementIdx = bulkGridGeometry.elementMapper().index(outside);
422 lowDimVolumeInBulkElement_[bulkElementIdx] += intersectionGeometry.volume()*M_PI*radius*radius;
423 }
424 }
425 }
430 // \{
433 Scalar radius(std::size_t id) const
434 {
435 const auto& data = this->pointSourceData()[id];
436 return this->problem(lowDimIdx).spatialParams().radius(data.lowDimElementIdx());
437 }
440 // For one-dimensional low dim domain we assume radial tubes
441 Scalar lowDimVolume(const Element<bulkIdx>& element) const
442 {
443 const auto eIdx = this->problem(bulkIdx).gridGeometry().elementMapper().index(element);
444 return lowDimVolumeInBulkElement_[eIdx];
445 }
448 // For one-dimensional low dim domain we assume radial tubes
449 Scalar lowDimVolumeFraction(const Element<bulkIdx>& element) const
450 {
451 const auto totalVolume = element.geometry().volume();
452 return lowDimVolume(element) / totalVolume;
453 }
455 // \}
462 std::vector<Scalar> lowDimVolumeInBulkElement_;
465} // end namespace Dumux
Helper class to create (named and comparable) tagged types.
Defines the index types used for grid and local indices.
Helper functions for distance queries.
Extended source stencil helper class for coupling managers.
Helper function to compute points on a circle.
Coupling manager for low-dimensional domains embedded in the bulk domain. Point sources on each integ...
Point source traits for average-based coupling modes.
Geometry::ctype averageDistancePointGeometry(const typename Geometry::GlobalCoordinate &p, const Geometry &geometry, std::size_t integrationOrder=2)
Compute the average distance from a point to a geometry by integration.
Definition: distance.hh:36
Vector normal(const Vector &v)
Create a vector normal to the given one (v is expected to be non-zero)
Definition: normal.hh:36
std::vector< std::size_t > intersectingEntities(const Dune::FieldVector< ctype, dimworld > &point, const BoundingBoxTree< EntitySet > &tree, bool isCartesianGrid=false)
Compute all intersections between entities and a point.
Definition: intersectingentities.hh:112
void circlePoints(std::vector< GlobalPosition > &points, const std::vector< Scalar > &sincos, const GlobalPosition &center, const GlobalPosition &normal, const Scalar radius)
Definition: circlepoints.hh:50
Definition: adapt.hh:29
typename Properties::Detail::GetPropImpl< TypeTag, Property >::type::type GetPropType
get the type alias defined in the property
Definition: propertysystem.hh:150
constexpr Average average
Definition: couplingmanager1d3d_average.hh:51
Struture to define the index types used for grid and local indices.
Definition: indextraits.hh:38
Property to specify the type of a problem which has to be solved.
Definition: common/properties.hh:57
Definition: common/properties.hh:98
Helper class to create (named and comparable) tagged types Tags any given type. The tagged type is eq...
Definition: tag.hh:42
Manages the coupling between bulk elements and lower dimensional elements Point sources on each integ...
Definition: couplingmanager1d3d.hh:36
Definition: couplingmanager1d3d_average.hh:47
static std::string name()
Definition: couplingmanager1d3d_average.hh:48
Manages the coupling between bulk elements and lower dimensional elements Point sources on each integ...
Definition: couplingmanager1d3d_average.hh:68
void extendJacobianPattern(Dune::index_constant< id > domainI, JacobianPattern &pattern) const
extend the jacobian pattern of the diagonal block of domain i by those entries that are not already i...
Definition: couplingmanager1d3d_average.hh:119
void init(std::shared_ptr< Problem< bulkIdx > > bulkProblem, std::shared_ptr< Problem< lowDimIdx > > lowDimProblem, const SolutionVector &curSol)
Definition: couplingmanager1d3d_average.hh:104
void computeLowDimVolumeFractions()
Compute the low dim volume fraction in the bulk domain cells.
Definition: couplingmanager1d3d_average.hh:400
void computePointSourceData(std::size_t order=1, bool verbose=false)
Definition: couplingmanager1d3d_average.hh:150
Scalar lowDimVolumeFraction(const Element< bulkIdx > &element) const
The volume fraction the lower dimensional domain occupies in the bulk domain element.
Definition: couplingmanager1d3d_average.hh:449
void evalAdditionalDomainDerivatives(Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, const LocalAssemblerI &localAssemblerI, const typename LocalAssemblerI::LocalResidual::ElementResidualVector &, JacobianMatrixDiagBlock &A, GridVariables &gridVariables)
evaluate additional derivatives of the element residual of a domain with respect to dofs in the same ...
Definition: couplingmanager1d3d_average.hh:132
Scalar radius(std::size_t id) const
Methods to be accessed by the subproblems.
Definition: couplingmanager1d3d_average.hh:433
Scalar lowDimVolume(const Element< bulkIdx > &element) const
The volume the lower dimensional domain occupies in the bulk domain element.
Definition: couplingmanager1d3d_average.hh:441
Manages the coupling between bulk elements and lower dimensional elements Point sources on each integ...
Definition: couplingmanagerbase.hh:79
A class managing an extended source stencil.
Definition: extendedsourcestencil.hh:46
Declares all properties used in Dumux.