List of currently useable run-time parameters. More...
List of currently useable run-time parameters.
The listed run-time parameters are available in general, but we point out that a certain model might not be able to use every parameter!
Group | Parameter | Type | Default Value | Explanation |
- | A00 | Scalar | 0.0 | A coefficient for capillary-pressure-saturation-interfacial-area relations described by a polynomial of second order. |
- | A01 | Scalar | - | A coefficient for capillary-pressure-saturation-interfacial-area relations described by a polynomial of second order. |
- | A02 | Scalar | - | A coefficient for capillary-pressure-saturation-interfacial-area relations described by a polynomial of second order. |
- | A1 | Scalar | - | A coefficient for capillary-pressure-saturation-interfacial-area relations described by a polynomial of second order. |
- | A10 | Scalar | - | A coefficient for capillary-pressure-saturation-interfacial-area relations described by a polynomial of second order. |
- | A11 | Scalar | - | A coefficient for capillary-pressure-saturation-interfacial-area relations described by a polynomial of second order. |
- | A2 | Scalar | - | A coefficient for capillary-pressure-saturation-interfacial-area relations described by a polynomial of second order. |
- | A20 | Scalar | - | A coefficient for capillary-pressure-saturation-interfacial-area relations described by a polynomial of second order. |
- | A3 | Scalar | - | A coefficient for capillary-pressure-saturation-interfacial-area relations described by a polynomial of second order. |
- | BrooksCoreyLambda | Scalar | - | Parameter lambda in Brooks Corey. |
- | BrooksCoreyPcEntry | Scalar | - | Entry capillary pressure in Brooks Corey. |
- | BrooksCoreyPcLowSweThreshold | Scalar | 0.01 | For effective wetting phase saturations below this value, capillary pressure is given by a regularized capillary pressure-saturation curve. |
- | HeatpipeLawGamma | Scalar | - | Parameter gamma in heat pipe law. |
- | HeatpipeLawP0 | Scalar | - | Parameter p0 in heat pipe law. |
- | KrnData | std::vector<Scalar> | - | Relative permeability for the non-wetting phase data for spline material law. |
- | KrwData | std::vector<Scalar> | - | Relative permeability for the wetting phase data for spline material law. |
- | LinearPcEntry | Scalar | - | Entry capillary pressure for the linear capillary pressure and relative permeability <-> saturation relations. |
- | LinearPcMax | Scalar | - | Maximum capillary pressure for the linear capillary pressure and relative permeability <-> saturation relations. |
- | ParameterFile | std::string | executablename.input | Command line argument: overwrite parameter file if one was specified on the command line |
- | ParkerVanGenuchtenAlpha | Scalar | - | Shape parameter \(\mathrm{\alpha}\) \(\mathrm{[1/Pa]}\) in Parker/vanGenuchten laws. |
- | ParkerVanGenuchtenBetaGn | Scalar | 1.0 | Scaling parameter \(\mathrm{betaGn}\) \(\mathrm{[-]}\) in Parker/vanGenuchten laws. |
- | ParkerVanGenuchtenBetaGw | Scalar | 1.0 | Scaling parameter \(\mathrm{betaGw}\) \(\mathrm{[-]}\) in Parker/vanGenuchten laws. |
- | ParkerVanGenuchtenBetaNw | Scalar | 1.0 | Scaling parameter \(\mathrm{betaNw}\) \(\mathrm{[-]}\) in Parker/vanGenuchten laws. |
- | ParkerVanGenuchtenKrgLowSteThreshold | Scalar | 1e-3 | The threshold saturation below which the relative permeability of the nonwetting phase gets regularized in Parker/vanGenuchten laws. |
- | ParkerVanGenuchtenKrnLowSweThreshold | Scalar | 0.1 | The threshold saturation below which the relative permeability of the nonwetting phase gets regularized in Parker/vanGenuchten laws. |
- | ParkerVanGenuchtenKrwHighSweThreshold | Scalar | 0.9 | The threshold saturation above which the relative permeability of the wetting phase gets regularized in Parker/vanGenuchten laws. |
- | ParkerVanGenuchtenN | Scalar | - | Shape parameter \(\mathrm{n}\) \(\mathrm{[-]}\) in Parker/vanGenuchten laws. |
- | ParkerVanGenuchtenPcHighSweThreshold | Scalar | 0.99 | Threshold saturation above which the capillary pressure is regularized in Parker/vanGenuchten laws. |
- | ParkerVanGenuchtenPcLowSweThreshold | Scalar | 0.01 | Threshold saturation below which the capillary pressure is regularized in Parker/vanGenuchten laws. Most problems are very sensitive to this value (e.g. making it smaller might result in very high capillary pressures). |
- | ParkerVanGenuchtenRegardSnrForKrn | bool | false | In Parker/vanGenuchten laws regard the relative non-wetting saturation in the permeability of the non-wetting phase, see Helmig1997. |
- | PcData | std::vector<Scalar> | - | Capillary pressure data for spline material law. |
- | PcMax | Scalar | - | Maximum capillary pressure for calculating the interfacial area between the nonwetting and wetting phase as in Nuske 2014 (, page 60) [46]. |
- | Restart | double | - | The restart time stamp for a previously interrupted simulation |
- | Sgr | Scalar | 0.0 | Residual gas phase saturation. |
- | SmoothedLinearLawKrHighS | Scalar | - | If the saturation is higher than this value, smoothed linear material law changes to a spline for the relative permeability. |
- | SmoothedLinearLawKrLowS | Scalar | - | If the saturation is lower than this value, smoothed linear material law changes to a spline for the relative permeability. |
- | SmoothedLinearLawPcMax | Scalar | - | The maximum capillary pressure used in the smoothed linear law. |
- | SmoothedLinearLawPe | Scalar | - | The entry pressure used in the smoothed linear law. |
- | Snr | Scalar | 0.0 | Residual non-wetting phase saturation. |
- | SplineNumSwSamples | Scalar | 30 | Number of sample points from which the wetting saturation spline is built. |
- | SplineSweInterval | std::array<Scalar, 2> | std::array<Scalar, 2> default{{ 0.01, 1.0 }} | Effective wetting saturation interval for spline material law. |
- | SwData | std::vector<Scalar> | - | Wetting saturation pressure data for spline material law. |
- | Swr | Scalar | 0.0 | Residual wetting phase saturation. |
- | ThreePNAPLAdsorptionKdNAPL | Scalar | - | kd parameter for the adsportion of NAPL in a 3 phase simulation. |
- | ThreePNAPLAdsorptionRhoBulk | Scalar | - | bulk density for calculating the adsorption of NAPL in a 3 phase simulation. |
- | VanGenuchtenAlpha | Scalar | - | Shape parameter \(\mathrm{\alpha}\) \(\mathrm{[1/Pa]}\) in vanGenuchten laws. |
- | VanGenuchtenConstantRegularization | bool | false | If specified, a constant value is used for regularization in Parker/vanGenuchten. |
- | VanGenuchtenKrnLowSweThreshold | Scalar | 0.1 | The threshold saturation below which the relative permeability of the nonwetting phase gets regularized in vanGenuchten laws. |
- | VanGenuchtenKrwHighSweThreshold | Scalar | 0.9 | The threshold saturation above which the relative permeability of the wetting phase gets regularized in vanGenuchten laws. |
- | VanGenuchtenL | Scalar | 0.5 | Shape parameter \(\mathrm{m}\) \(\mathrm{[-]}\) in vanGenuchten laws. |
- | VanGenuchtenN | Scalar | - | Shape parameter \(\mathrm{n}\) \(\mathrm{[-]}\) in vanGenuchten laws. |
- | VanGenuchtenPcHighSweThreshold | Scalar | 0.99 | Threshold saturation above which the capillary pressure is regularized in vanGenuchten laws. |
- | VanGenuchtenPcLowSweThreshold | Scalar | 0.01 | Threshold saturation below which the capillary pressure is regularized in vanGenuchten laws. |
Adaptive | BCRefinementThreshold | Scalar | 1e-10 | The threshold above which fluxes are treated as non-zero |
Adaptive | MaxLevel | int | - | The maximum refinement level |
Adaptive | MinLevel | int | - | The minimum refinement level |
Adaptive | RefineAtDirichletBC | bool | true | Whether to refine at Dirichlet boundaries |
Adaptive | RefineAtFluxBC | bool | true | Whether to refine at Neumann/Robin boundaries |
Adaptive | RefineAtSource | bool | true | Whether to refine where source terms are specified |
Assembly | NumericDifference.BaseEpsilon | Scalar | 1e-10 | The basic numeric epsilon used in the differentiation for deflecting primary variables |
Assembly | NumericDifference.PriVarMagnitude | NumEqVector | NumEqVector(-1) | The magnitude of the primary variables used for finding a good numeric epsilon for deflecting primary variables. |
Assembly | NumericDifferenceMethod | int | 1 | The numeric difference method (1: foward differences (default), 0: central differences, -1: backward differences) |
BinaryCoefficients | GasDiffCoeff | Scalar | - | The binary diffusion coefficient in gas |
BinaryCoefficients | LiquidDiffCoeff | Scalar | - | The binary diffusion coefficient in liquid |
Brine | Salinity | Scalar | - | The salinity |
Component | GasDensity | Scalar | - | The density of the gas |
Component | GasDiffusionCoefficient | Scalar | 1.0 | Binary diffusion coefficient for molecular water and the constant component |
Component | GasKinematicViscosity | Scalar | - | The gas kinematic viscosity |
Component | HenryComponentInWater | Scalar | 1.0 | Henry coefficient for the constant component in liquid water |
Component | HenryWaterInComponent | Scalar | 1.0 | Henry coefficient for water in the constant component |
Component | LiquidDensity | Scalar | - | The density of the liquid |
Component | LiquidDiffusionCoefficient | Scalar | 1.0 | Diffusion coefficient for the constant component in liquid water |
Component | LiquidKinematicViscosity | Scalar | - | The liquid kinematic viscosity |
Component | MolarMass | Scalar | - | The mass in one mole of the component |
Component | Name | std::string | component | A human readable name for the component |
Component | SolidDensity | Scalar | - | The density of the component in solid state |
Component | SolidHeatCapacity | Scalar | - | Specific isobaric heat capacity of the component as a solid |
Component | SolidThermalConductivity | Scalar | - | Thermal conductivity of the component as a solid |
ElectroChemistry | ActivationBarrier | Scalar | - | The activation barrier to calculate the exchange current density. |
ElectroChemistry | CellVoltage | Scalar | - | The voltage of the fuel cell. |
ElectroChemistry | MaxIterations | int | - | The maximum number of iterations in iteatively (Newton solver) calculating the current density. |
ElectroChemistry | NumElectrons | Scalar | - | The number of electrons for the calculation of activation and concentration losses. |
ElectroChemistry | RefCurrentDensity | Scalar | - | The reference current density to calculate the exchange current density. |
ElectroChemistry | RefO2PartialPressure | Scalar | - | The reference oxygen partial pressure. |
ElectroChemistry | RefTemperature | Scalar | - | The reference temperature to calculate the exchange current density. |
ElectroChemistry | ReversibleVoltage | Scalar | - | The reversible voltage. |
ElectroChemistry | SpecificResistance | Scalar | - | The specific resistance, see [2]. |
ElectroChemistry | SurfaceIncreasingFactor | Scalar | - | The surface-increasing factor to calculate the exchange current density. |
ElectroChemistry | ThermoneutralVoltage | Scalar | - | Thermoneutral voltage for the non-isothermal electrochemistry model. |
ElectroChemistry | TransferCoefficient | Scalar | - | The transport coefficient. |
ElectroChemistry | TransportNumberH20 | Scalar | - | The water transport number to calculate the osmotic term in the membrane. |
ElectroChemistry | pO2Inlet | Scalar | - | The oxygen pressure at the inlet. |
FacetCoupling | Xi | Scalar | 1.0 | The xi factor for coupling conditions |
Flux | DifferencingScheme | std::string | Minmod | Choice of a staggered TVD method |
Flux | TvdApproach | std::string | Uniform | If you use a staggered grid with a TVD approach: For a uniform grid "Uniform" is fine. For a nonuniform grid decide between "Li" and "Hou" (two literature-based methods). |
Flux | UpwindWeight | Scalar | - | Upwind weight in staggered upwind method |
FluxLimiterLET | LowerWaterDepth | Scalar | 1e-5 | The lower water depth |
FluxLimiterLET | UpperWaterDepth | Scalar | 1e-3 | The upper water depth |
FluxLimiterLET | UpwindFluxLimiting | bool | false | If this is set true, the upwind water depth from the flux direction is used. This can improve stability. |
FluxOverSurface | Verbose | bool | false | For enabling or disabling the console output |
Forchheimer | MaxIterations | std::size_t | 30 | The maximum number of Newton iterations for solving the Forchheimer equation |
Forchheimer | NewtonTolerance | Scalar | 1e-12 | The error tolerance in the Newton method for solving the Forchheimer equation |
FreeFlow | EnableUnsymmetrizedVelocityGradient | bool | false | For enabling unsymmetrized velocity gradient. If false consider the shear stress caused by the gradient of the velocities normal to our face of interest. |
Freeflow | EnableUnsymmetrizedVelocityGradientForBeaversJoseph | bool | false | For enabling unsymmetrized velocity gradient for the Beavers Joseph coupling condition. If true and if the current scvf is on a boundary and if a Dirichlet BC for the pressure or a BJ condition for the slip velocity is set there, assume a tangential velocity gradient of zero along the lateral face. |
Grid | Angular0/1/2 | std::vector<Scalar> | - | min/max value for angular coordinate. Cake grids can be created by either specifying Radial,Angular or Axial in all coordinate directions. |
Grid | Axial0/1/2 | std::vector<Scalar> | - | min/max value for axial coordinate. Cake grids can be created by either specifying Radial,Angular or Axial in all coordinate directions. |
Grid | BoundarySegments | bool | false | For the dune gmsh reader: Whether to insert boundary segments into the grid |
Grid | CellType | std::string | Cube | "Cube" or "Simplex" to be used for structured grids |
Grid | Cells | std::array<int, dim> | - | The number of elements in a structured uniform grid in x, y and z direction |
Grid | Cells0 | std::vector<int> | - | For a grid with zones, number of cells of the leftmost zone, number of cells of the second-leftmost zone, ..., number of cells of the rightmost zone, spaceseparated. (assuming x-axis points to the right) |
Grid | Cells1 | std::vector<int> | - | Spaceseparated list of the number of cells per zone in y-direction (see more details for x-direction in Cells1). |
Grid | Cells2 | std::vector<int> | - | Spaceseparated list of the number of cells per zone in z-direction (see more details for x-direction in Cells1). |
Grid | ClosureType | std::string | Green | Decide whether to add a green closure to locally refined grid sections or not: "Green" (Standard red/green refinement) or "None" (No closure, results in nonconforming meshes) |
Grid | Coordinates | std::vector<ctype> | - | To construct a 1D grid with just a coordinates vector |
Grid | DomainMarkers | bool | false | Whether the grid managers work with domain markers. |
Grid | File | std::string | - | A DGF or gmsh file to load from |
Grid | GmshPhysicalEntityThreshold | std::size_t | 0 | |
Grid | Grading0 | std::vector<Scalar> | - | For a grid with zones, grading factors for the x-zones. 1.0 means all cells within this zone have equal extension in x-direction. Negative factors are possible. |
Grid | Grading1 | std::vector<Scalar> | - | For a grid with zones, grading factors for the y-zones. |
Grid | Grading2 | std::vector<Scalar> | - | For a grid with zones, grading factors for the z-zones. |
Grid | Image | std::string | - | The image file if the sub grid is constructed from a raster image |
Grid | KeepPhysicalOverlap | bool | true | Whether to keep the physical overlap in physical size or in number of cells upon refinement |
Grid | LeftBoundary | Scalar | 0.0 | The start coordinate of a 1D grid |
Grid | LowerLeft | GlobalPosition | - | The lowerLeft corner of a structured grid |
Grid | Marker | bool | 0 | To customize the subgrid generation. |
Grid | Overlap | int | 1 | The overlap size in cells |
Grid | Partitioning | std::array<int, dim> | - | A non-standard load-balancing, number of processors per direction |
Grid | Periodic | std::bitset<dim> | std::bitset<dim>() | True or false for each direction |
Grid | Positions0 | std::vector<ctype> | - | For a grid with zones, x-positions of the left of the leftmost zone followed by the right of all zones (from left to right). (assuming x-axis points to the right) |
Grid | Positions1 | std::vector<ctype> | - | For a grid with zones, y-positions for zoning in y (more details in Positions0 for x). |
Grid | Positions2 | std::vector<ctype> | - | For a grid with zones, z-positions for zoning in z (more details in Positions0 for x). |
Grid | Radial0/1/2 | std::vector<Scalar> | - | min/max value for radial coordinate. Cake grids can be created by either specifying Radial,Angular or Axial in all coordinate directions. |
Grid | Refinement | int | 0 | The number of global refines to perform |
Grid | RefinementType | std::string | Local | e.g. UGGrid "Local" (New level consists only of the refined elements and the closure) or "Copy" (New level consists of the refined elements and the unrefined ones, too) |
Grid | RightBoundary | Scalar | - | The end coordinate of a 1D grid |
Grid | UpperRight | GlobalPosition | - | The upperright corner of a structured grid |
Grid | Verbosity | bool | false | Whether the grid construction should output to standard out |
GridAdapt | AdaptionInterval | int | 1 | The time step interval for adaption |
GridAdapt | CoarsenTolerance | Scalar | 0.001 | Coarsening threshold to decide whether a cell should be marked for coarsening |
GridAdapt | EnableInitializationIndicator | bool | false | Whether to use initial grid adaption |
GridAdapt | EnableMultiPointFluxApproximation | bool | true | Whether to enable mpfa on hanging nodes |
GridAdapt | MaxInteractionVolumes | int | 4 | The maximum number of interaction volumes considered |
GridAdapt | MaxLevel | int | 1 | The maximum allowed level |
GridAdapt | MinLevel | int | 0 | The minimum allowed level |
GridAdapt | RefineAtDirichletBC | bool | false | To switch for refinement at Dirichlet BCs |
GridAdapt | RefineAtFluxBC | bool | false | To switch for refinement at Neumann BCs |
GridAdapt | RefineAtSource | bool | false | To switch for refinement at sources |
GridAdapt | RefineTolerance | Scalar | 0.05 | Coarsening threshold to decide whether a cell should be marked for refinement |
Impet | CFLFactor | Scalar | 1.0 | Scalar factor for additional scaling of the time step |
Impet | DtVariationRestrictionFactor | Scalar | std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::max() | |
Impet | EnableVolumeIntegral | bool | true | Whether to regard volume integral in pressure equation |
Impet | ErrorTermFactor | Scalar | 0.5 | Scaling factor for the error term |
Impet | ErrorTermLowerBound | Scalar | 0.1 | Lower threshold used for the error term evaluation |
Impet | ErrorTermUpperBound | Scalar | 0.9 | Upper threshold used for the error term evaluation |
Impet | IterationFlag | int | 0 | The flag to switch the iteration type of the IMPET scheme |
Impet | IterationNumber | int | 2 | The number of iterations if IMPET iterations are enabled by IterationFlag |
Impet | MaximumDefect | Scalar | 1e-5 | The maximum defect if IMPET iterations are enabled by IterationFlag |
Impet | PorosityThreshold | Scalar | 1e-6 | The threshold for the porosity |
Impet | RelaxationFactor | Scalar | 1.0 | 1 = new solution is new solution, 0 = old solution is new solution |
Impet | RestrictFluxInTransport | int | 0 | Restriction of flux on new pressure field if direction reverses from the pressure equation |
Impet | SubCFLFactor | Scalar | 1.0 | Scalar factor for scaling of local sub-time-step |
Impet | SwitchNormals | bool | false | Whether to switch direction of face normal vectors |
KEpsilon | EnableZeroEqScaling | bool | true | Whether to match the potential zeroeq eddy viscosities for two-layer model at the matching point |
KEpsilon | YPlusThreshold | Scalar | 30 | yPlus below this value is considered as near-wall region |
KOmega | EnableDissipationLimiter | bool | true | Whether to enable the dissipation limiter |
KOmega | EnableProductionLimiter | bool | false | Whether to enable the production limiter |
LinearSolver | GMResRestart | int | 10 | cycles before restarting |
LinearSolver | MaxIterations | int | 250 | The maximum iterations of the linear solver |
LinearSolver | MaxOrthogonalizationVectors | int | 10 | Maximal number of previous vectors which are orthogonalized against the new search direction |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgAccumulationMode | std::string | - | If and how data is agglomerated on coarser level to fewer processors. ("atOnce": do agglomeration once and to one process; "successive": Multiple agglomerations to fewer proceses until all data is on one process; "none": Do no agglomeration at all and solve coarse level iteratively). |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgAdditive | bool | - | Whether to use additive multigrid. |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgAlpha | double | - | Scaling value for marking connections as strong. |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgBeta | double | - | Threshold for marking nodes as isolated. |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgCoarsenTarget | int | - | Maximum number of unknowns on the coarsest level. |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgCriterionSymmetric | bool | true | If true use SymmetricCriterion (default), else UnSymmetricCriterion |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgDefaultAggregationDimension | std::size_t | std::to_string(dimension) | Dimension of the problem (used for setting default aggregate size). |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgDefaultAggregationSizeMode | std::string | isotropic | Whether to set default values depending on isotropy of problem uses parameters "defaultAggregationDimension" and "maxAggregateDistance" (isotropic: For and isotropic problem; anisotropic: for an anisotropic problem). |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgDiagonalRowIndex | int | 0 | The index to use for the diagonal strength (default 0) if this is i and strengthMeasure is "diagonal", then block[i][i] will be used when determining strength of connection. |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgGamma | std::size_t | - | 1 for V-cycle, 2 for W-cycle. |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgMaxAggregateDistance | std::size_t | 2 | Maximum distance in an aggregte (in term of minimum edges needed to travel. one vertex to another within the aggregate). |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgMaxAggregateSize | std::size_t | - | Maximum number of vertices an aggregate should consist of. |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgMaxLevel | int | 100 | Maximum number of levels allowed in the hierarchy. |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgMinAggregateSize | std::size_t | - | Minimum number of vertices an aggregate should consist of. |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgMinCoarseningRate | int | - | Coarsening will stop if the rate is below this threshold. |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgPostSmoothingSteps | std::size_t | - | Number of postsmoothing steps. |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgPreSmoothingSteps | std::size_t | - | Number of presmoothing steps. |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgProlongationDampingFactor | double | - | Damping factor for the prolongation. |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgSmootherIterations | int | - | The number of iterations to perform. |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgSmootherRelaxation | typename SmootherArgs::RelaxationFactor | - | The relaxation factor |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.AmgStrengthMeasure | std::string | diagonal | What conversion to use to convert a matrix block to a scalar when determining strength of connection: diagonal (use a diagonal of row diagonalRowIndex, class Diagonal, default); rowSum (rowSum norm), frobenius (Frobenius norm); one (use always one and neglect the actual entries). |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.DetermineRelaxationFactor | bool | true | Whether within the Uzawa algorithm the parameter omega is the relaxation factor is estimated by use of AMG |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.DirectSolverForA | bool | false | Whether within the Uzawa algorithm a direct solver is used for inverting the 00 matrix block. |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.ILUOrder | int | 0 | The order of the ILU decomposition. |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.ILUResort | bool | false | true if a resort of the computed ILU for improved performance should be done. |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.Iterations | int | 1 | Usually specifies the number of times the preconditioner is applied |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.PowerLawIterations | std::size_t | 5 | Number of iterations done to estimate the relaxation factor within the Uzawa algorithm. |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.Relaxation | double | 1 | The relaxation parameter for the preconditioner |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.Type | std::string | - | The preconditioner type. |
LinearSolver | Preconditioner.Verbosity | int | 0 | The preconditioner verbosity level |
LinearSolver | ResidualReduction | double | 1e-13(linear solver),1e-6(nonlinear) | The residual reduction threshold, i.e. stopping criterion |
LinearSolver | Restart | int | 10 | cycles before restarting |
LinearSolver | Type | std::string | - | The type of linear solver, e.g. restartedflexiblegmressolver or uzawa |
LinearSolver | Verbosity | int | 0 | The verbosity level of the linear solver |
LoadSolution | CellCenterPriVarNames | std::vector<std::string> | - | Names of cell-centered primary variables of a model with staggered grid discretization |
LoadSolution | FacePriVarNames | std::vector<std::string> | - | Names of primary variables on the cell faces of a model with staggered grid discretization |
LoadSolution | PriVarNames | std::vector<std::string> | - | Primary variable names |
LoadSolution | PriVarNamesState1 | std::vector<std::string> | - | Primary variable names state, e.g. p_liq x^N2_liq |
LoadSolution | PriVarNamesState2 | std::vector<std::string> | - | Primary variable names state, e.g. p_liq x^H2O_gas |
LoadSolution | PriVarNamesState... | std::vector<std::string> | - | Primary variable names state, e.g. p_liq S_gas |
MPFA | CalcVelocityInTransport | bool | - | Indicates if velocity is reconstructed in the pressure step or in the transport step |
MPFA | EnableComplexLStencil | bool | true | Whether to enable the two non-centered flux stencils |
MPFA | EnableSimpleLStencil | bool | true | Whether to enable the two centered flux stencils |
MPFA | EnableTPFA | bool | false | Whether to enable the use of TPFA if neighboring cells are of the same grid level |
MPFA | Q | CoordScalar | - | The quadrature point parameterizaion to be used on scvfs |
MPFA | TransmissibilityCriterion | int | 0 | |
MPFA | TransmissibilityCriterionThreshold | Scalar | 1e-8 | |
MatrixConverter | DeletePatternEntriesBelowAbsThreshold | Scalar | -1.0 | Only set non-zero value if original matrix entry is larger than this. |
MixedDimension | IntegrationOrder | int | 1 | The integration order for coupling source |
MixedDimension | KernelIntegrationCRL | double | 0.1 | The characteristic relative length |
MixedDimension | KernelWidthFactor | Scalar | - | The kernel width factor |
MixedDimension | NumCircleSegments | int | - | The number of circle segements in the context of integration points. |
MixedDimension | UseCircleAverage | bool | true | if we use the circle average as the 3D values or a point evaluation |
MixedDimension | WriteIntegrationPointsToFile | bool | false | Whether to write integration points to a file |
Newton | EnableAbsoluteResidualCriterion | bool | - | For Newton iterations to stop the absolute residual is demanded to be below a threshold value. At least two iterations. |
Newton | EnableChop | bool | - | chop the Newton update at the beginning of the non-linear solver |
Newton | EnableDynamicOutput | bool | true | Prints current information about assembly and solution process in the coarse of the simulation. |
Newton | EnablePartialReassembly | bool | - | Every entity where the primary variables exhibit a relative shift summed up since the last linearization above 'eps' will be reassembled. |
Newton | EnableResidualCriterion | bool | - | declare convergence if the initial residual is reduced by the factor ResidualReduction |
Newton | EnableShiftCriterion | bool | - | For Newton iterations to stop the maximum relative shift abs(uLastIter - uNew)/scalarmax(1.0, abs(uLastIter + uNew)*0.5) is demanded to be below a threshold value. At least two iterations. |
Newton | MaxAbsoluteResidual | Scalar | - | The maximum acceptable absolute residual for declaring convergence |
Newton | MaxRelativeShift | Scalar | - | Set the maximum acceptable difference of any primary variable between two iterations for declaring convergence |
Newton | MaxSteps | int | - | The number of iterations after we give up |
Newton | MaxTimeStepDivisions | std::size_t | 10 | The maximum number of time-step divisions |
Newton | MinSteps | int | - | The minimum number of iterations |
Newton | ReassemblyMaxThreshold | Scalar | 1e2*shiftTolerance_ | 'maxEps' in reassembly threshold max( minEps, min(maxEps, omega*(currently achieved maximum relative shift)) ). Increasing/decreasing 'maxEps' leads to less/more reassembly if 'omega*shift' is large, i.e., for the first Newton iterations. |
Newton | ReassemblyMinThreshold | Scalar | 1e-1*shiftTolerance_ | 'minEps' in reassembly threshold max( minEps, min(maxEps, omega*(currently achieved maximum relative shift)) ). Increasing/decreasing 'minEps' leads to less/more reassembly if 'omega*shift' is small, i.e., for the last Newton iterations. |
Newton | ReassemblyShiftWeight | Scalar | 1e-3 | 'omega' in reassembly threshold max( minEps, min(maxEps, omega*(currently achieved maximum relative shift)) ). Increasing/decreasing 'maxEps' leads to less/more reassembly if 'omega*shift' is large, i.e., for the first Newton iterations. |
Newton | ResidualReduction | Scalar | - | The maximum acceptable residual norm reduction |
Newton | RetryTimeStepReductionFactor | Scalar | 0.5 | Factor for reducing the current time-step |
Newton | SatisfyResidualAndShiftCriterion | bool | - | declare convergence only if both criteria are met |
Newton | TargetSteps | int | - | The number of iterations which are considered "optimal" |
Newton | UseLineSearch | bool | - | Whether to use line search |
Newton | Verbosity | int | 2 | The verbosity level of the Newton solver |
PointSource | EnableBoxLumping | bool | true | For a DOF-index to point source map distribute source using a check if point sources are inside a subcontrolvolume instead of using basis function weights. |
PrimaryVariableSwitch | Verbosity | int | 1 | Verbosity level of the primary variable switch. |
Problem | EnableGravity | bool | - | Whether to enable the gravity term |
Problem | EnableInertiaTerms | bool | - | Whether to enable the inertia terms |
Problem | Name | std::string | - | Set a name for a problem |
Problem | SandGrainRoughness | Scalar | - | The sand grain roughness |
Problem | UsePrimaryVariableSwitch | bool | - | Whether to perform variable switch at a degree of freedom location |
RANS | EddyViscosityModel | std::string | vanDriest | Choose the eddy viscosity model |
RANS | FlowDirectionAxis | int | 0 | The flow direction axis |
RANS | IsFlatWallBounded | bool | false | Set to true, if geometry consists of flat walls |
RANS | TurbulentPrandtlNumber | Scalar | 1.0 | The turbulent Prandtl number |
RANS | TurbulentSchmidtNumber | Scalar | 1.0 | The turbulent Schmidt number |
RANS | UseStoredEddyViscosity | bool | true for lowrekepsilon, false else | Whether to use the stored eddy viscosity |
RANS | WallNormalAxis | int | 1 | The normal wall axis of a flat wall bounded flow |
RANS | WriteFlatWallBoundedFields | bool | isFlatWallBounded | Whether to write output fields for flat wall geometries |
SpatialParams | ComputeAwsFromAnsAndPcMax | bool | true | Compute volume-specific interfacial area between the wetting and solid phase from interfacial area between nonwetting and solid phase and maximum capillary pressure. |
SpatialParams | ForchCoeff | Scalar | 0.55 | The Forchheimer coefficient |
SpatialParams | MinBoundaryPermeability | Scalar | - | The minimum permeability |
SpatialParams | Permeability | Scalar | - | The permeability |
SpatialParams | Porosity | Scalar | - | The porosity |
SpatialParams | Tortuosity | Scalar | 0.5 | The tortuosity |
TimeLoop | Restart | double | 0.0 | The restart time stamp for a previously interrupted simulation |
TimeManager | DtInitial | Scalar | - | The initial time step size |
TimeManager | MaxTimeStepSize | Scalar | std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::max() | The maximum allowed time step size |
TimeManager | Restart | Scalar | - | The restart time stamp for a previously interrupted simulation |
TimeManager | SubTimestepVerbosity | int | - | The verbosity level in local sub-time-steps |
TimeManager | TEnd | Scalar | - | The end time |
Vtk | AddProcessRank | bool | - | Whether to add a process rank |
Vtk | AddVelocity | bool | true | Whether to enable velocity output |
Vtk | CoordPrecision | std::string | value set to Vtk.Precision before | The output precision of coordinates. |
Vtk | OutputLevel | int | - | in sequential models: indicates which values the VTK output contains, e.g. if the OutputLevel is zero, only primary variables are written |
Vtk | Precision | std::string | Float32 | Precision of the vtk output |
Vtk | WriteFaceData | bool | false | For the staggered grid approach, write face-related data into vtp files. |