DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
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Sequential two-phase, two-component Darcy flow. More...


Sequential two-phase, two-component Darcy flow.


Provides a Finite Volume implementation for the pressure equation of a compressible system with two components. An IMPES-like method is used for the sequential solution of the problem. Diffusion is neglected, capillarity can be regarded. Isothermal conditions and local thermodynamic equilibrium are assumed. Gravity is included.

\[ c_{total}\frac{\partial p}{\partial t} + \sum_{\kappa} \frac{\partial v_{total}}{\partial C^{\kappa}} \nabla \cdot \left( \sum_{\alpha} X^{\kappa}_{\alpha} \varrho_{\alpha} \bf{v}_{\alpha}\right) = \sum_{\kappa} \frac{\partial v_{total}}{\partial C^{\kappa}} q^{\kappa}, \]

where \(\bf{v}_{\alpha} = - \lambda_{\alpha} \bf{K} \left(\nabla p_{\alpha} + \rho_{\alpha} \bf{g} \right) \). \( c_{total} \) represents the total compressibility, for constant porosity this yields \( - \frac{\partial V_{total}}{\partial p_{\alpha}} \), \(p_{\alpha} \) denotes the phase pressure, \( \bf{K} \) the absolute permeability, \( \lambda_{\alpha} \) the phase mobility, \( \rho_{\alpha} \) the phase density and \( \bf{g} \) the gravity constant and \( C^{\kappa} \) the total Component concentration. See paper SPE 99619 or "Analysis of a Compositional Model for Fluid Flow in Porous Media" by Chen, Qin and Ewing for derivation.

The pressure base class FVPressure assembles the matrix and right-hand-side vector and solves for the pressure vector, whereas this class provides the actual entries for the matrix and RHS vector. The partial derivatives of the actual fluid volume \( v_{total} \) are gained by using a secant method.


The finite volume model for the solution of the transport equation for compositional two-phase flow.

\[ \frac{\partial C^\kappa}{\partial t} = - \nabla \cdot \left( \sum_{\alpha} X^{\kappa}_{\alpha} \varrho_{alpha} \bf{v}_{\alpha}\right) + q^{\kappa}, \]

where \( \bf{v}_{\alpha} = - \lambda_{\alpha} \bf{K} \left(\nabla p_{\alpha} + \rho_{\alpha} \bf{g} \right) \). \( p_{\alpha} \) denotes the phase pressure, \( \bf{K} \) the absolute permeability, \( \lambda_{\alpha} \) the phase mobility, \( \rho_{\alpha} \) the phase density and \( \bf{g} \) the gravity constant and \( C^{\kappa} \) the total Component concentration. The whole flux contribution for each cell is subdivided into a storage term, a flux term and a source term. Corresponding functions (getFlux() and getFluxOnBoundary()) are provided, internal sources are directly treated.

Template Parameters
TypeTagThe Type Tag


file  adaptiveproperties.hh
 Defines the properties required for the adaptive sequential 2p2c models.
file  2p2c/sequential/celldata.hh
 Storage container for discretized data of the constitutive relations for one element.
file  c/sequential/celldataadaptive.hh
 Class including the variables and data of discretized data of the constitutive relations for one element.
file  celldatamultiphysics.hh
 Storage container for discretized data for multi-physics models.
file  2p2c/sequential/fluxdata.hh
 Class including the variables and data of discretized data of the constitutive relations.
file  fv2dpressureadaptive.hh
 Finite Volume Diffusion Model.
file  fv2dtransportadaptive.hh
 Finite volume discretization of the component transport equation.
file  fv3dpressureadaptive.hh
 Finite volume diffusion model.
file  fv3dtransportadaptive.hh
 Finite volume discretization of the component transport equation.
file  fvmpfal3dinteractionvolumecontaineradaptive.hh
 Interaction volume container for compositional adaptive 3-d (using MPFA L-method).
file  fvpressure.hh
 Finite volume 2p2c pressure model.
file  fvpressurecompositional.hh
 Base class for compositional pressure equations.
file  fvpressuremultiphysics.hh
 Finite volume 2p2c pressure model with multi-physics.
file  fvtransport.hh
 Finite volume discretization of the component transport equation.
file  fvtransportmultiphysics.hh
 Finite volume discretization of the component transport equation.
file  porousmediumflow/2p2c/sequential/problem.hh
 Base class for sequential 2p2c compositional problems.
file  porousmediumflow/2p2c/sequential/properties.hh
 Defines the properties required for the sequential 2p2c models.
file  2p2c/sequential/variableclassadaptive.hh
 Base class holding the variables for sequential models.


struct  Dumux::SequentialTwoPTwoCIndicesAdaptive< TypeTag >
 Missing indices to the mpfa2p model. More...
class  Dumux::CellData2P2C< TypeTag >
 Storage container for discretized data of the constitutive relations for one element. More...
class  Dumux::CellData2P2CAdaptive< TypeTag >
 Class including the data of a grid cell needed if an adaptive grid is used. More...
class  Dumux::CellData2P2CMultiPhysics< TypeTag >
 Storage container for discretized data for multiphysics models. More...
class  Dumux::FluxData2P2C< TypeTag >
 Class including the variables and data of discretized data of the constitutive relations. More...
class  Dumux::FV2dPressure2P2CAdaptive< TypeTag >
 The finite volume model for the solution of the compositional pressure equation. More...
class  Dumux::FV2dTransport2P2CAdaptive< TypeTag >
 Compositional Transport step in a Finite Volume discretization for a adaptive 2D-grid. More...
class  Dumux::FV3dPressure2P2CAdaptive< TypeTag >
 The finite volume model for the solution of the compositional pressure equation. More...
class  Dumux::FV3dTransport2P2CAdaptive< TypeTag >
 Compositional transport step in a finite volume discretization. More...
class  Dumux::FvMpfaL3d2P2CInteractionVolumeContainerAdaptive< TypeTag >
 Interaction volume container for compositional adaptive 3-d (using MPFA L-method) Model. More...
class  Dumux::FVPressure2P2C< TypeTag >
 The finite volume model for the solution of the compositional pressure equation. More...
class  Dumux::FVPressureCompositional< TypeTag >
 The finite volume model for the solution of the compositional pressure equation. More...
class  Dumux::FVPressure2P2CMultiPhysics< TypeTag >
 The finite volume model for the solution of the compositional pressure equation. More...
class  Dumux::FVTransport2P2C< TypeTag >
 Compositional transport step in a Finite Volume discretization. More...
class  Dumux::FVTransport2P2CMultiPhysics< TypeTag >
 Compositional transport step in a finite volume discretization. More...
class  Dumux::IMPETProblem2P2C< TypeTag >
 Base class for all compositional 2-phase problems which use an impet algorithm. More...
class  Dumux::VariableClass2P2CAdaptive< TypeTag >
 Class holding additionally mpfa data of adaptive compositional models. More...