DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
parameterlist.txt File Reference

List of currently useable run-time parameters. More...


List of currently useable run-time parameters.

The listed run-time parameters are in general available, but we point out that a certain model might not be able to use every parameter!

Group Parameter Type Default Value Explanation
- ParameterFile std::string executable.input name of the parameter file
Adaptive BCRefinementThreshold Scalar 1e-10
MaxLevel std::size_t 0
Assembly NumericDifference.BaseEpsilon Scalar 1e-10
NumericDifferenceMethod int
NumericDifference.PriVarMagnitude NumEqVector(-1)
BinaryCoefficients GasDiffCoeff Scalar
LiquidDiffCoeff Scalar
Brine Salinity Scalar
Component GasDensity Scalar
GasDiffusionCoefficient Scalar 1.0
GasKinematicViscosity Scalar
HenryComponentInWater Scalar 1.0
HenryWaterInComponent Scalar 1.0
LiquidDensity Scalar
LiquidDiffusionCoefficient Scalar 1.0
LiquidKinematicViscosity Scalar
MolarMass Scalar
Name std::string component
SolidDensity Scalar
SolidHeatCapacity Scalar
SolidThermalConductivity Scalar
ElectroChemistry ActivationBarrier Scalar
CellVoltage Scalar
MaxIterations int
NumElectrons Scalar
pO2Inlet Scalar
RefCurrentDensity Scalar
RefO2PartialPressure Scalar
RefTemperature Scalar
ReversibleVoltage Scalar
SpecificResistance Scalar
SurfaceIncreasingFactor Scalar
ThermoneutralVoltage Scalar
TransferCoefficient Scalar
TransportNumberH20 Scalar
FacetCoupling Xi Scalar 1.0
Flux DifferencingScheme std::string Minmod
TvdApproach std::string Uniform
UpwindWeight Scalar
FluxLimiterLET LowerWaterDepth Scalar 1e-5
UpperWaterDepth Scalar 1e-3
UpwindFluxLimiting bool false
FluxOverSurface Verbose bool false
Forchheimer MaxIterations std::size_t 30
NewtonTolerance Scalar 1e-12
FreeFlow EnableUnsymmetrizedVelocityGradient bool false
EnableUnsymmetrizedVelocityGradientForBeaversJoseph bool false
GridAdapt AdaptionInterval int 1
CoarsenTolerance Scalar
EnableInitializationIndicator bool
EnableMultiPointFluxApproximation bool
MaxInteractionVolumes!=1 int
MaxInteractionVolumes int
MaxLevel int
MinLevel int
RefineAtDirichletBC bool
RefineAtFluxBC bool
RefineAtSource bool
RefineTolerance Scalar
Grid Angularstd::to_string(i) Scalar
Axialstd::to_string(i) Scalar
BoundarySegments bool false
Cells CellArray cells
Cells cells
Cells GlobalPosition
Cells int 1
Cells intdim cells
Cellsstd::to_string(i) int cells[i]
CellType std::string Cube
ClosureType std::string Green
Coordinates std::vector<typenameGrid::ctype>
DomainMarkers bool false
File std::string
File std::string modelParamGroup
GmshPhysicalEntityThreshold std::size_t 0
Gradingstd::to_string(i) Scalar grading[i]
Gradingstd::to_string(i) std::vector<ctype> grading[i]
Image std::string
KeepPhysicalOverlap bool true
LeftBoundary CoordinateType 0.0
LowerLeft GlobalPosition GlobalPosition(0.0)
Marker bool 0
Overlap int 1
Partitioning intdim
Positionsstd::to_string(i) std::vector<ctype>
Radialstd::to_string(i) Scalar
Refinement int
RefinementType std::string Local
RightBoundary CoordinateType
UpperRight GlobalPosition
Verbosity bool false
WellRadius Scalar
Impet CFLFactor Scalar
EnableVolumeIntegral bool
ErrorTermFactor Scalar
ErrorTermLowerBound Scalar
ErrorTermLowerBound Scalar 0.2
ErrorTermUpperBound Scalar
IterationFlag int 0
IterationNumber int 2
MaximumDefect Scalar 1e-5
PorosityThreshold Scalar
RelaxationFactor Scalar 1.0
RestrictFluxInTransport int 0
SubCFLFactor Scalar cFLFactor
SwitchNormals bool
KEpsilon EnableKinematicViscosity bool true
EnableZeroEqScaling bool true
YPlusThreshold Scalar 30
KOmega EnableDissipationLimiter bool true
EnableProductionLimiter bool false
LinearSolver GMResRestart double
GMResRestart int 10
MaxIterations int 250
PreconditionerIterations int 1
PreconditionerRelaxation double
PreconditionerVerbosity int
Preconditioner.DetermineRelaxationFactor bool true
Preconditioner.PowerLawIterations std::size_t 5
Preconditioner.Relaxation double 1
ResidualReduction double 1e-13
ResidualReduction Scalar 1e-6
Verbosity int 0
LoadSolution CellCenterPriVarNames std::vector<std::string>
FacePriVarNames std::vector<std::string>
PriVarNames std::vector<std::string>
MatrixConverter DeletePatternEntriesBelowAbsThreshold Scalar -1.0
MixedDimension IntegrationOrder int 1
KernelWidth Scalar
NumCircleSegments int
NumCircleSegments int 25
MPFA CalcVelocityInTransport bool
EnableComplexLStencil bool true
EnableSimpleLStencil bool true
EnableTPFA bool false
Q Scalar
TransmissibilityCriterion int 0
TransmissibilityCriterionThreshold Scalar 1e-8
Newton EnableAbsoluteResidualCriterion bool
EnableChop bool
EnableDynamicOutput bool true
EnablePartialReassembly bool
EnableResidualCriterion bool
EnableShiftCriterion bool
MaxAbsoluteResidual Scalar
MaxRelativeShift Scalar
MaxSteps int
MaxTimeStepDivisions std::size_t 10
MinSteps int
ReassemblyMaxThreshold Scalar 1e2*shiftTolerance_
ReassemblyMinThreshold Scalar 1e-1*shiftTolerance_
ReassemblyShiftWeight Scalar 1e-3
ResidualReduction Scalar
RetryTimeStepReductionFactor Scalar 0.5
SatisfyResidualAndShiftCriterion bool
TargetSteps int
UseLineSearch bool
Verbosity int 2
PrimaryVariableSwitch Verbosity int 1
Problem EnableGravity bool
EnableInertiaTerms bool
Name std::string
UsePrimaryVariableSwitch bool
RANS EddyViscosityModel std::string vanDriest
FlowNormalAxis int -1
TurbulentPrandtlNumber Scalar 1.0
TurbulentSchmidtNumber Scalar 1.0
UseStoredEddyViscosity bool false
UseStoredEddyViscosity bool true
WallNormalAxis int -1
SpatialParams ComputeAwsFromAnsAndPcMax bool true
ForchCoeff Scalar 0.55
MinBoundaryPermeability Scalar
Tortuosity Scalar 0.5
TimeLoop Restart double 0.0
TimeManager double Restart
DtInitial Scalar
Restart Scalar
SubTimestepVerbosity int
TEnd Scalar
Vtk AddProcessRank bool
AddVelocity bool true
OutputLevel int
WriteFaceData bool false