DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
projector.hh File Reference

Contains functionality for L2-projections from one function space into another, which can live both on the same or different grids of potentially different dimensionality. More...

#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
#include <dune/common/timer.hh>
#include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
#include <dune/common/promotiontraits.hh>
#include <dune/geometry/quadraturerules.hh>
#include <dune/istl/matrixindexset.hh>
#include <dune/istl/bcrsmatrix.hh>
#include <dune/istl/bvector.hh>
#include <dumux/common/parameters.hh>
#include <dumux/linear/seqsolverbackend.hh>
#include <dumux/assembly/jacobianpattern.hh>
#include <dumux/discretization/functionspacebasis.hh>

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Contains functionality for L2-projections from one function space into another, which can live both on the same or different grids of potentially different dimensionality.

In the case of the function space bases living on the same grid an optimized implementation could be implemented. Currently, we require a glue object containing the intersections between two grids to be provided to the free factory functions.


class  Dumux::Projector< ScalarType >
 Does an L2-projection from one discrete function space into another. The convenience functions makeProjectorPair or makeProjector can be used to create such a projection. More...
struct  Dumux::Projector< ScalarType >::Params
 Parameters that can be passed to project() More...
class  Dumux::ProjectorTraits< FEBasisDomain, FEBasisTarget >
 Traits class stating the type of projector between to bases. More...


namespace  Dumux
 make the local view function available whenever we use the grid geometry


template<class FEBasisDomain , class FEBasisTarget , class GlueType >
auto Dumux::makeProjectorPair (const FEBasisDomain &feBasisDomain, const FEBasisTarget &feBasisTarget, GlueType glue)
 Creates a pair of projectors between the space with basis feBasisDomain to the space with basis feBasisTarget. More...
template<class FEBasisDomain , class FEBasisTarget , class GlueType >
auto Dumux::makeProjector (const FEBasisDomain &feBasisDomain, const FEBasisTarget &feBasisTarget, GlueType glue)
 Creates a forward projector from the space feBasisDomain to the space with basis feBasisTarget. More...
template<class FEBasisDomain , class FEBasisTarget , class GlueType >
auto Dumux::makeProjectionMatricesPair (const FEBasisDomain &feBasisDomain, const FEBasisTarget &feBasisTarget, GlueType glue)
 Creates the matrices underlying l2-projections. More...
template<class FEBasisDomain , class FEBasisTarget , class GlueType >
auto Dumux::makeProjectionMatrices (const FEBasisDomain &feBasisDomain, const FEBasisTarget &feBasisTarget, GlueType glue)
 Creates the matrices underlying l2-projections. More...
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